Final ID: WP289
Ghannam Malik, Elkind Mitchell, Tirschwell David, Poli Sven, Kamel Hooman, Yaghi Shadi, Al-qudah Abdullah, Alshaer Qasem, Kronmal Richard, Ntaios George, Longstreth W, Furie Karen, Saver Jeffrey, Kasner Scott
A new genetic model organism for primate-specific cardiac function and diseaseChang Stephen, Albertelli Megan, Quertermous Thomas, Wright Patricia, Terrien Jeremy, Aujard Fabienne, Wu Joseph, Krasnow Mark, Karanewsky Caitlin, Pendleton Jozeph, Ren Lu, Anzeraey Aude, Froelicher Victor, Liang David, Razafindrakoto Andriamahery, Ravelonjanahary Noeline
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