Final ID: 144
Cerebrovascular Systems of Care Oral Abstracts II
Friday, 02/07/2025 , 09:15AM - 10:45AM
Oral Abstract Session
Sun Jany, Dong Yanjun, Boliboun Jimmie, Koo Katherine, Vazquez-trejo Valeria, Cui Michael, Rizzo Victoria, Rowe Jeannine
Digital Cardiovascular Health Promotion Among Adolescents In NepalShakya Dayana, Bankler Jon Victor, Bai Hua, Wilhelmsson Ulf, Ng Nawi, Oli Natalia, Vaidya Abhinav, Krettek Alexandra
Lusk Jay, Bhatt Deepak, Saver Jeffrey, Mac Grory Brian, Brown Scott, Hassan Ameer, Albers Gregory, Fonarow Gregg, Schwamm Lee, Messe Steven, Smith Eric, Hasan David
Race-Ethnic Specific Hospital Arrival Time of Acute Ischemic Stroke by State in the U.S.Chen Bing Yu, Xian Ying, Uchino Ken, Man Shumei, Sun Jie-lena, Fonarow Gregg, Alhanti Brooke, Mac Grory Brian, Smith Eric, Schwamm Lee, Bhatt Deepak, Saver Jeffrey
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