Final ID: TP196
Nariman Nina, Boren Seth, Hasan Khader, Suchting Robert, De Dios Constanza, Sitton Clark, Aronowski Jaroslaw, Savitz Sean, Haque Muhammad
Age- and Sex- Differences in the Accuracy of Rule-based Natural Language Processing Models for Identification of Pulmonary EmbolismKrishnathasan Darsiya, Jimenez David, Monreal Manuel, Secemsky Eric, Klok Erik, Hunsaker Andetta, Aghayev Ayaz, Muriel Alfonso, Hussain Mohamad, Appah-sampong Abena, Aneja Sanjay, Rashedi Sina, Mojibian Hamid, Goldhaber Samuel, Wang Liqin, Zhou Li, Krumholz Harlan, Piazza Gregory, Bikdeli Behnood, Khairani Candrika, Bejjani Antoine, Lo Ying-chih, Zarghami Mehrdad, Mahajan Shiwani, Caraballo Cesar, Jimenez Ceja Jose Victor
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