Final ID: MDP234
Diagnosis and Prognosis Tools in Heart Failure
Saturday, 11/16/2024 , 11:10AM - 12:35PM
Moderated Digital Poster Session
Jing Linyuan, Metser Gil, Mawson Thomas, Tat Emily, Jiang Nona, Duffy Eamon, Hahn Rebecca, Homma Shunichi, Haggerty Christopher, Poterucha Timothy, Elias Pierre, Long Aaron, Vanmaanen David, Rocha Daniel, Hartzel Dustin, Kelsey Christopher, Ruhl Jeffrey, Beecy Ashley, Elnabawi Youssef
Cell Signaling, Metabolic, and Inflammatory RNA Transcriptomic Pathways are Upregulated Among Patients with Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction and Ischemia with Non-Obstructive Coronary ArteriesJerome Barbara, Berger Jeffrey, Smilowitz Nathaniel, Schlamp Florencia, Hausvater Anais, Joa Amanda, Serrano Claudia, Farid Ayman, Hochman Judith, Barrett Tessa, Reynolds Harmony
Sapp John, Roux Jean-francois, Nery Pablo, Nault Isabelle, Amit Guy, Raymond Jean-marc, Deyell Marc, Sacher Frederic, De Chillou Christian, Kuriachan Vikas, Abdelwahab Amir, Tang Anthony, Sarrazin Jean-francois, Dyrda Katia, Sikkel Markus, Wilton Stephen, Jolly Umjeet, Kanagasundram Arvindh, Wells George, Parkash Ratika, Stevenson William, Healey Jeff, Gula Lorne, Nair Girish, Essebag Vidal, Rivard Lena
Revascularization of Patients with Low-Density Non-Calcified Plaque was Associated with Lower Occurrence of Acute Coronary SyndromeMalkasian Shant, Conte Edoardo, Maffei Erica, Plank Fabian, Pontone Gianluca, Feuchtner Gudrun, Samady Habib, Park Hyung-bok, Danad Ibrahim, Cho Iksung, Bax Jeroen, Hubbard Logan, Lee Ji Hyun, Baskaran Lohendran, Hadamitzky Martin, Budoff Matthew, Stone Peter, Heo Ran, Cury Ricardo, Lee Sang-eun, Al'aref Subhi, Stuijfzand Wijnand, Nurmohamed Nick, Lu Yao, Kim Yong-jin, Cademartiri Filippo, Virmani Renu, Narula Jagat, Rizvi Asim, Chinnaiyan Kavitha, Villines Todd, Leipsic Jonathon, Shaw Leslee, Chang Hyuk-jae, Molloi Sabee, Choi Andrew, Marques Hugo, Van Rosendael Alexander, Chow Benjamin, Andreini Daniele