
American Heart Association


Final ID: MDP716

Revascularization of Patients with Low-Density Non-Calcified Plaque was Associated with Lower Occurrence of Acute Coronary Syndrome

Abstract Body (Do not enter title and authors here): INTRODUCTION
Coronary CT angiography (CCTA) is a powerful noninvasive tool for identifying high-risk plaque, such as low-density non-calcified plaque (LD-NCP). Though, the optimal treatment of patients with LD-NCP remains unclear. This study explored the association of revascularization in the setting of LD-NCP with the occurrence of acute coronary syndrome (ACS).

This was a post-hoc analysis of the ICONIC study. A subset of 234 patients that underwent CCTA with subsequent ACS were matched to 234 control patients who also underwent CCTA but did not have ACS during follow-up. Patients were also followed for occurrence of revascularization, either coronary artery bypass graft or percutaneous coronary intervention. Atherosclerosis imaging-enabled quantitative CT (AI-QCT) was used to measure diameter stenosis, and LD-NCP, non-calcified plaque, and calcified plaque volumes from each CCTA. LD-NCP was defined as plaque with -190 to 30 Hounsfield Units. Patients were stratified based on the presence of LD-NCP. Subgroup analysis was conducted to compare the occurrence of ACS with the rate of revascularization. Kaplan-Meier survival curves and extended Cox regression analysis were used to evaluate the effect size of revascularization and LD-NCP on occurrence of ACS.

AI-QCT was completed in 448/468 subjects (follow-up time [MEAN±SD] 2.44±2.48 years). The median of LD-NCP was 1.2 mm3 for patients with >0 mm3 LD-NCP. There were 85 patients with LD-NCP >1.2 mm3 and 363 patients with LD-NCP ≤1.2 mm3. In patients with LD-NCP >1.2 mm3, the rate of revascularization in patients with and without ACS was 3/52 (5.8%) versus 14/33 (42.4%) (p<0.001). In patients with LD-NCP ≤1.2 mm3, the rate of revascularization in patients with and without ACS was 36/170 (21.2%) versus 39/193 (20.2%) (p=0.897). In comparison to patients without revascularization and LD-NCP ≤1.2 mm3, patients with LD-NCP >1.2 mm3 and revascularization were less likely to have ACS during follow-up (adjusted HR: 0.20 [0.07, 0.61]; p=0.005). Additionally, patients with LD-NCP >1.2 mm3 who did not undergo revascularization were more likely to have ACS (adjusted HR: 1.47 [1.03, 2.12]; p=0.036). Hazard ratios were adjusted for diameter stenosis, and non-calcified and calcified plaque volume. Time-dependent coefficients were included for diameter stenosis.

Revascularization of patients with LD-NCP >1.2 mm3 identified on CCTA with AI-QCT was associated with less risk for ACS.
  • Malkasian, Shant  ( University of California, San Diego , Pasadena , California , United States )
  • Conte, Edoardo  ( Centro Cardiologico Monzino IRCCS , Milan , Italy )
  • Maffei, Erica  ( , Naples , Italy )
  • Plank, Fabian  ( INNSBRUCK MEDICAL UNIVERSITY , Innsbruck A , Austria )
  • Pontone, Gianluca  ( , Milan , Alabama , United States )
  • Feuchtner, Gudrun  ( INNSBRUCK MEDICAL UNIVERSITY , Innsbruck A , Austria )
  • Samady, Habib  ( Georgia Heart Institute , Gainesville , Georgia , United States )
  • Park, Hyung-bok  ( International St. Mary's Hospital , Incheon , Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of) )
  • Danad, Ibrahim  ( VU University Medical Center , Amsterdam , Netherlands )
  • Cho, Iksung  ( Severance Cardiovascular Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine , Seoul , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Bax, Jeroen  ( LEIDS UNIVERSITY MEDISCH CENTRUM , Leiden , Texas , United States )
  • Hubbard, Logan  ( UCLA , Venice , California , United States )
  • Lee, Ji Hyun  ( Severance Cardiovascular Hospital , Seoul , Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of) )
  • Baskaran, Lohendran  ( National Heart Centre Singapore , Singapore , Singapore )
  • Hadamitzky, Martin  ( Deutsches Herzzentrum Muenchen , Munich , Germany )
  • Budoff, Matthew  ( LUNDQUIST INSTITUTE , Torrance , California , United States )
  • Stone, Peter  ( BRIGHAM WOMENS HOSPITAL , Boston , Massachusetts , United States )
  • Heo, Ran  ( Severance Cardiovascular Hospital , Seoul , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Cury, Ricardo  ( MIAMI CARDIAC AND VASCULAR INSTITUT , Miami , Florida , United States )
  • Lee, Sang-eun  ( Seoul St. Mary's Hospital , Seoul , Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of) )
  • Al'aref, Subhi  ( UAMS , Little Rock , Arkansas , United States )
  • Stuijfzand, Wijnand  ( VU University Medical center , Amsterdan , Netherlands )
  • Nurmohamed, Nick  ( Amsterdam UMC , Amsterdam , Netherlands )
  • Lu, Yao  ( Severance Cardiovascular Hospital , Seoul , Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of) )
  • Kim, Yong-jin  ( Seoul National Hospital , Seoul , Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of) )
  • Cademartiri, Filippo  ( Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio/CNR , Pisa , Italy )
  • Virmani, Renu  ( CV PATH INSTITUTE INC , Gaithersburg , Maryland , United States )
  • Narula, Jagat  ( . University of Texas Health , Houston , Texas , United States )
  • Rizvi, Asim  ( University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston , Galveston , Texas , United States )
  • Chinnaiyan, Kavitha  ( WILLIAM BEAUMONT HOSPITAL , Northville , Michigan , United States )
  • Villines, Todd  ( University of Virginia , Charlottesville , Virginia , United States )
  • Leipsic, Jonathon  ( St. Paul's Hospital University of British Columbia , Vancouver , British Columbia , Canada )
  • Shaw, Leslee  ( ICAHN SCHOOL OF MED AT MOUNT SINAI , New York , New York , United States )
  • Chang, Hyuk-jae  ( Severance Cardiovascular Hospital , Seoul , Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of) )
  • Molloi, Sabee  ( University of California, Irvine , Irvine , California , United States )
  • Choi, Andrew  ( The GW Medical Faculty Associates , Washiton , District of Columbia , United States )
  • Marques, Hugo  ( Hospital da Luz , Lisbon , Portugal )
  • Van Rosendael, Alexander  ( LUMC , Leiden , Netherlands )
  • Chow, Benjamin  ( UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA HEART INSTITUT , Ottawa , Ontario , Canada )
  • Andreini, Daniele  ( Centro Cardiologico Monzino IRCCS , Milan , Italy )
  • Author Disclosures:
    Shant Malkasian: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Employee:Cleerly:Past (completed) ; Consultant:Cleerly:Active (exists now) | Edoardo Conte: No Answer | Erica Maffei: No Answer | Fabian Plank: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Consultant:Chiesi:Active (exists now) ; Speaker:Braun:Past (completed) ; Consultant:Daichi Sankyo:Active (exists now) | Gianluca Pontone: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Gudrun Feuchtner: No Answer | Habib Samady: No Answer | Hyung-Bok Park: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Ibrahim Danad: No Answer | Iksung Cho: No Answer | Jeroen Bax: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Logan Hubbard: No Answer | Ji Hyun Lee: No Answer | Lohendran Baskaran: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Martin Hadamitzky: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):Cleerly:Active (exists now) | Matthew Budoff: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Researcher:General Electric:Active (exists now) | Peter Stone: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Ran Heo: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Ricardo Cury: No Answer | Sang-Eun Lee: No Answer | Subhi Al'Aref: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Advisor:Shockwave Medical:Past (completed) ; Royalties/Patent Beneficiary:Elsevier:Active (exists now) | Wijnand Stuijfzand: No Answer | Nick Nurmohamed: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | yao lu: No Answer | Yong-Jin Kim: No Answer | Filippo Cademartiri: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Renu Virmani: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Jagat Narula: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Asim Rizvi: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Kavitha Chinnaiyan: No Answer | Todd Villines: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Jonathon Leipsic: No Answer | Leslee Shaw: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Researcher:Heartflow:Active (exists now) | Hyuk-Jae Chang: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Sabee Molloi: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Andrew Choi: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Consultant:Siemens:Past (completed) ; Consultant:Amgen:Active (exists now) ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):GW Heart and Vascular Institute:Active (exists now) ; Individual Stocks/Stock Options:Cleerly:Active (exists now) ; Consultant:Cleerly:Active (exists now) | Hugo Marques: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Alexander Van Rosendael: No Answer | Benjamin Chow: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):Artrya:Active (exists now) ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):TD Bank :Active (exists now) ; Individual Stocks/Stock Options:Artrya :Active (exists now) ; Consultant:Artrya :Active (exists now) | Daniele Andreini: No Answer
Meeting Info:

Scientific Sessions 2024


Chicago, Illinois

Session Info:

New Concepts Regarding the Vulnerable Plaque

Saturday, 11/16/2024 , 11:10AM - 12:35PM

Moderated Digital Poster Session

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