Final ID: 4144573
Saturday, 11/16/2024 , 09:45AM - 11:00AM
Abstract Oral Session
Deng Hanqiang, Zhang Jiasheng, Schwartz Martin
A Curious Case of Clozapine Carditis with Cardiac ConvalescenceMaamari Dimitri, Koshti Vivek, Yaros Katarina, Berbarie Rafic
Miller James, Keshvani Neil, Ghosh Pritam, Gallagher Chris, Sanchez Katherine, Butler Javed, Pandey Ambarish
Intensive lifestyle intervention, cardiac biomarkers and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes and overweight or obesity – a post-hoc analysis of the Look Action for Health in Diabetes (AHEAD) trialPatel Kershaw, Bertoni Alain, Espeland Mark, Pandey Ambarish, Chunawala Zainali, Segar Matthew, Garcia Katelyn, Ndumele Chiadi, Wang Thomas, Januzzi James, Butler Javed, Lam Carolyn