Final ID: 4143980
Translational Discovery in Thrombosis and Anti-thrombotic Therapeutics
Saturday, 11/16/2024 , 03:15PM - 04:30PM
Abstract Oral Session
Logvinsky Ilana, Maddineni Gautam, Wood Malissa, Delibasic Maja
A pharmacovigilance investigation from the FAERS database on patients using pembrolizumab and its association with cardiac arrhythmiasUpreti Prakash, Jancic Predrag, Milutinovic Stefan, Rathore Azeem, Nassar Sameh, Karki Roshan, Rao Mohan, Patel Brijesh
Gaba Prakriti, Keech Anthony, Sabatine Marc, Marston Nicholas, Bergmark Brian, Zimerman Andre, O'donoghue Michelle, Giugliano Robert, Murphy Sabina, Kuder Julia, Monsalvo Maria Laura, Flores-arredondo Jose, Atar Dan
Changes in high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I and associated cardiovascular risk: Analyses From the FOURIER TrialHaller Paul, Marston Nicholas, Bellavia Andrea, Jarolim Petr, Keech Anthony, Giugliano Robert, Sabatine Marc, Morrow David