Final ID: 4140393
Louis N. and Arnold M. Katz Basic Science Research Prize for Early Career Investigators Competition
Saturday, 11/16/2024 , 01:30PM - 02:45PM
Abstract Oral Session
Ahmad Taseer, Desta Selam, Kirabo Annet, Saleem Mohammad, Mutchler Ashley Pitzer, Ertuglu Lale, Albritton Claude, Haynes Alexandria, Sheng Quanhu, Khan Mohd, Demirci Mert
Association of Left Atrial Fibrosis with AF Burden Post-Ablation: Insights from the DECAAF II StudyYounes Hadi, Lim Chanho, Rao Swati, Tirado Polo Francisco, Liu Yingshuo, Jia Yishi, Tsakiris Eli, Assaf Ala', Ademi Besim, Shamaileh Ghaith, Hui Yanpei, Mahnkopf Christian, Donnellan Eoin, Pandey Amitabh, Marrouche Nassir, Noujaim Charbel, Bidaoui Ghassan, Bsoul Mayana, Feng Han, El Hajjar Abdel Hadi, Mekhael Mario, Dagher Lilas
Jimenez Jesus, Amrute Junedh, Ma Pan, Wang Xiaoran, Dai Raymond, Lavine Kory
CD40 is an immune checkpoint regulator that potentiates myocardial inflammation through activation and expansion of CCR2 macrophages and CD8 T-cellsJimenez Jesus, Amrute Junedh, Ma Pan, Wang Xiaoran, Dai Raymond, Lavine Kory