
American Heart Association


Final ID: Su2002

Acceptability and Gain of Knowledge of Community Educational Tools About Rheumatic Heart Disease Integrated With Screening In Low-Income Settings

Abstract Body (Do not enter title and authors here):
Background: Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) causes 305,000 premature annual deaths, and education is one of the strategies to diminish disease burden. International RHD foundations aim do provide preventive and control efforts for RHD. We aimed to assess the acceptability and gain of knowledge of a series of education flipcharts presented during screening programs in high-burden areas of Brazil.
Methods: Four flipcharts (“Introduction to rheumatic fever (RF) and RHD”, “RHD and pregnancy”, “RHD and surgery” and “RHD community awareness”) were developed over 3 years and taught during 36 months to patients, community, health and education professionals in Minas Gerais state. Training included in-person interactions and virtual workshops. Pre and post-training questionnaires were applied through an online and printed surveys in 2021 and 2022, and post-education evaluations were conducted from January 2023 to April, 2024.
Results: Flipchart training was successfully delivered to 112 education professionals, 574 health providers and 598 community members (N=1284): 899 (70%) were enrolled in primary care, and 1109 (86%) responded the surveys. Among respondents of the survey for health and education professionals (N=589), 240 (41%) had been educated about RHD in the previous year. 569 (96%) learned any new information; the content was all new for 21 (4%). Nearly all professionals reported that flipcharts could improve patients’ lives (571, 97%) and felt confident to use the tool with someone with no knowledge about RHD (533, 91%); 86% of the teachers said they would use flipcharts as educational tools. In the survey for community / schoolchildren (N=520) only 128 (25%) respondents had previous education on RHD, 510 (98%) reported that learned new information, and content was completely new for 242 (47%). A total of 430 (83%) individuals reported that they will discuss RHD with families and community. All qualitative written reports were positive. In 2021/2022, 218/485 (45%) health and education professionals responded the pre/post questionnaire. Knowledge about RHD increased after training: RF as the cause of RHD (56% vs 86%), use of Benzathine Penicillin G (50% vs 97%), frequency of antibiotic prophylaxis (32% vs 90%) and overall moderate or expert understanding of RF or RHD (30% vs 82%).
Conclusion: Flipchart educational sessions about RHD had a very positive acceptability in high-risk Brazilian populations, with remarkable gain of knowledge for health professionals.
  • Abrams, Jessica  ( Rheach Foundation , Cape Town , South Africa )
  • Nunes, Maria  ( Universidade Federal de MG , Belo Horizonte , Brazil )
  • Diniz, Marina  ( Universidade Federal de MG , Belo Horizonte , Brazil )
  • Fraga, Lucas  ( Universidade Federal de MG , Belo Horizonte , Brazil )
  • Paula, Luiza  ( Universidade Federal de MG , Belo Horizonte , Brazil )
  • Coelho, Cecilia  ( Universidade Federal de MG , Belo Horizonte , Brazil )
  • Tacuri Chavez, Luz Marina  ( Universidade Federal de MG , Belo Horizonte , Brazil )
  • Lemos, Larissa  ( Universidade Federal de MG , Belo Horizonte , Brazil )
  • Correia, Julliane  ( Universidade Federal de MG , Belo Horizonte , Brazil )
  • Ribeiro, Antonio  ( Universidade Federal de MG , Belo Horizonte , Brazil )
  • Nascimento, Bruno  ( Universidade Federal de MG , Belo Horizonte , Brazil )
  • Sable, Craig  ( CHILDRENS NATIONAL MEDICAL CENTER , Potomac , District of Columbia , United States )
  • Spaziani, Alison  ( CHILDRENS NATIONAL MEDICAL CENTER , Potomac , District of Columbia , United States )
  • Zuhlke, Liesl  ( 2.17 Institute of Child health Red , Cape Town , South Africa )
  • Cardoso, Clareci  ( Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei , Divinopolis , Minas Gerais , Brazil )
  • Vinhal, Wanessa  ( Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei , Divinopolis , Minas Gerais , Brazil )
  • Ribeiro, Isabely  ( Universidade Federal de São João Del Rei , Divinopolis , Minas Gerais , Brazil )
  • Oliveira, Kaciane  ( Universidade Federal de MG , Belo Horizonte , Brazil )
  • Amaral, Ingred Beatriz  ( Universidade Federal de MG , Belo Horizonte , Brazil )
  • Author Disclosures:
    Jessica Abrams: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Maria Nunes: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Marina Diniz: No Answer | Lucas Fraga: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Luiza Paula: No Answer | Cecilia Coelho: No Answer | LUZ MARINA TACURI CHAVEZ: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Larissa Lemos: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Julliane Correia: No Answer | Antonio Ribeiro: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Bruno Nascimento: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Craig Sable: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Alison Spaziani: No Answer | Liesl Zuhlke: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Clareci Cardoso: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Wanessa Vinhal: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Isabely Ribeiro: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Kaciane Oliveira: No Answer | Ingred Beatriz Amaral: No Answer
Meeting Info:

Scientific Sessions 2024


Chicago, Illinois

Session Info:

Posters for Epidemiology of Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease

Sunday, 11/17/2024 , 11:30AM - 12:30PM

Abstract Poster Session

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