
American Heart Association


Final ID: Mo2112

Nasal Etripamil Spray efficacy for Acute Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia: A Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis and Trial Sequential Analysis.

Abstract Body (Do not enter title and authors here): Background: Acute paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) is a common arrhythmia. Etripamil, a novel calcium channel blocker via nasal spray, has shown promise for PSVT management. This meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis (TSA) evaluates the efficacy and safety of nasal Etripamil for treating PSVT.
Methods: We systematically searched Pubmed, Embase, and Cochrane databases for studies assessing the efficacy and safety of Etripamil for PSVT. The main outcome was conversion to sinus rhythm(CSR) within 15 minutes. Secondary outcomes included adverse events(AE). Meta-analysis was performed using random-effects models, and TSA was employed to assess the robustness of the evidence and required information size.
Results: Three randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and two extensive trials involving 1,652 participants were analyzed. Nasal Etripamil significantly increased the CSR within 15 minutes compared to placebo (RR 1.87 95% CI; 1.39-2.52, p <0.001; Figure A). Outcome TSA suggested a low risk of type 1 error; therefore, this result may be conclusive (Figure B). For the AEs both a pairwise and single-arm meta-analysis of studies was performed with 1 AEs being statistically significant in the single-arm plot, Nasal Discomfort (22.11 95% CI; 16.02-29.70 events per 100 observations, p <0.01 Figure C). In the pairwise, the overall was statistically significant and it favored placebo (RR 3.93, 95% CI; 2.46-6.27, p <0.001 Figure D).
Conclusion: Nasal Etripamil is effective and safe for the treatment of acute PSVT, offering a non-invasive alternative to traditional therapies. Larger-scale RCTs are warranted to confirm these findings and explore long-term outcomes.
  • Queiroz, Ivo  ( Catholic University of Pernambuco , Recife , Pernambuco , Brazil )
  • Guida, Camila  ( Dante Pazzanese Institute of Cardiology , Sao paulo , Sao paulo , Brazil )
  • Barbosa, Lucas  ( Federal University of Minas Gerais , Belo Horizonte , Brazil )
  • Defante, Maria Luiza Rodrigues  ( Redentor University Center , Itaperuna , Brazil )
  • X. Mendes, Beatriz  ( Unichristus , Fortaleza , Ceará , Brazil )
  • Antunes, Vanio Do Livramento Junior  ( UFCSPA , Porto Alegre , Brazil )
  • Romeiro, Pedro  ( University Center of Maceió , Maceio , Brazil )
  • Mazetto, Roberto  ( Amazon State University , Manaus , Brazil )
  • Silva, Catarina  ( University Center CESMAC , Maceio , Brazil )
  • Bulhões, Elísio Bulhões  ( College of Higher Education of the United Amazon , Belém , PARÁ , Brazil )
  • Author Disclosures:
    Ivo Queiroz: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Camila Guida: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Lucas Barbosa: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Maria Luiza Rodrigues Defante: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Beatriz X. Mendes: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Vanio do Livramento Junior Antunes: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Pedro Romeiro: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Roberto Mazetto: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Catarina Silva: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Elísio Bulhões Bulhões: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships
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Scientific Sessions 2024


Chicago, Illinois

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EP Potpourri. Things You Didn’t Know You Needed to Know

Monday, 11/18/2024 , 01:30PM - 02:30PM

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