Final ID: MDP1622
Coronary Artery Calcium Score: A Critical Indicator of Cardiovascular Disease Risk
Monday, 11/18/2024 , 09:30AM - 10:55AM
Moderated Digital Poster Session
Wang Shuo, Lv Yunhui, Cui Yongchun
Association of Lipoprotein(a) with Cardiovascular Outcomes Across the Spectrum of HbA1c LevelsAlebna Pamela, Shapiro Michael, Bhatia Harpreet, Mehta Anurag, Ambrosio Mathew, Akakpo Divine, Bolden Gabrielle, Razavi Alexander, Chew Nicholas, Hundley William, Salloum Fadi, Sperling Laurence
Razavi Alexander, Reyes Mikaila, Wilkins John, Szklo Moyses, Tsai Michael, Whelton Seamus, Sperling Laurence, Tsimikas Sotirios, Bhatia Harpreet
Characterization of plasma proteome perturbations to distinguish thrombotic myocardial infarction from non-thrombotic myocardial injury and chronic coronary artery disease.Tomar Shubham, Trainor Patrick, Lidani Karita, Mousavi Hossein, Defilippis Andrew