
American Heart Association


Final ID: MDP328

Shape Variations in Right Ventricular 3D Geometry are associated with adverse outcomes in Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Patients: A Fontan Outcomes Registry using CMR Examination (FORCE) Study

Abstract Body (Do not enter title and authors here): Introduction
Right ventricular (RV) function is critical to the long-term health of patients with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS). However, conventional measurements do not consider the range of RV morphology that may impact RV function and lead to adverse outcomes. In this study, we determined associations between RV shape and clinical outcomes of HLHS using statistical shape modeling (SSM) and a large cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) multicenter registry.

Three hundred and twenty-eight studies from unique HLHS patients in the Fontan Outcomes Registry using CMR Examinations (FORCE) were post-processed by a core lab at one institution, including volumetry and strain analysis. 3D end-diastolic models of RV were reconstructed using Mimics (Materialise). SSM was performed via Shapeworks Studio (NIH/NIGMS CIBC) to derive mean template and quantified shape variations (shape mode) representing deviation from the mean. RV shape relationship with mortality/heart transplant was assessed using bivariable/multivariable analyses with stepwise model selection.

The mean template from all 328 patients resembled a circumferentially dilated RV with loss of concavity in septal wall (Fig A). Several generalized variants were identified (Fig B), particularly p1 – a sigmoidal / “apical bulge” variant where the RV apex dilates and "wraps” around the hypoplastic left ventricle (Fig C). Twenty-eight patients (8.5%) experienced mortality/heart transplant at 2.5±2.4 years after CMR. On bivariable analysis, p1 was associated with mortality/heart transplant, along with larger indexed RV end-diastolic volume/mass and reduced global circumferential strain. On multivariable analysis, p1 and indexed RV mass were associated with mortality/heart transplant (Table).

Statistical Shape Modeling can define the “usual” RV shape of HLHS. A sigmoidal shape variant is associated with adverse outcomes. SSM may provide patient-specific metrics to define RV dysfunction in HLHS.
  • Loke, Yue-hin  ( Children's National Hospital , Washington , District of Columbia , United States )
  • Balaras, Elias  ( The George Washington University , Washington , District of Columbia , United States )
  • D'udekem, Yves  ( Children's National Hospital , Washington , District of Columbia , United States )
  • Alsaied, Tarek  ( UPMC Childrens Hospital Pittsburgh , Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania , United States )
  • Olivieri, Laura  ( UPMC Childrens Hospital Pittsburgh , Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania , United States )
  • Truong, Uyen  ( Children's National Hospital , Washington , District of Columbia , United States )
  • Capuano, Francesco  ( Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC) , Barcelona , Spain )
  • O'hara, Ryan  ( Children's National Hospital , Washington , District of Columbia , United States )
  • Contento, Jacqueline  ( Children's National Hospital , Washington , District of Columbia , United States )
  • Marella, Nicole  ( Rutgers , New Brunswick , New Jersey , United States )
  • Anantuni, Lekha  ( Children's National Hospital , Washington , District of Columbia , United States )
  • Gaviria, Susana  ( MedStar Georgetown University Hospital , Washington DC , District of Columbia , United States )
  • Kollar, Sarah  ( Children's National Hospital , Washington , District of Columbia , United States )
  • Vegulla, Ravi  ( Children's National Hospital , Washington , District of Columbia , United States )
  • Mehta, Rittal  ( Children's National Hospital , Washington , District of Columbia , United States )
  • Author Disclosures:
    Yue-Hin Loke: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Elias Balaras: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | YVES D'UDEKEM: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Consultant:Bayer pharma:Active (exists now) | Tarek Alsaied: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Laura Olivieri: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Uyen Truong: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Francesco Capuano: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Ryan O'Hara: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Jacqueline Contento: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Nicole Marella: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Lekha Anantuni: No Answer | Susana Gaviria: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Sarah Kollar: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Ravi Vegulla: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Rittal Mehta: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships
Meeting Info:

Scientific Sessions 2024


Chicago, Illinois

Session Info:

Basic/Translational Science and Imaging

Saturday, 11/16/2024 , 11:10AM - 12:25PM

Moderated Digital Poster Session

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