
American Heart Association

Psychosocial Aspects
Showing Results from 1 to 12 of 41.

Lalika Mathias,  Jenkins Sarah,  Hayes Sharonne,  Jones Clarence,  Burke Lora,  Cooper Lisa,  Patten Christi,  Brewer Laprincess

Final Pr. ID: EPI1

Authors:  Lalika Mathias , Jenkins Sarah , Hayes Sharonne , Jones Clarence , Burke Lora , Cooper Lisa , Patten Christi , Brewer Laprincess

Keywords:  Cardiovascular health, Digital Health, Psychosocial Aspects, Diet, Physical Activity

05 : 00 PM

A Daily Diary Examination of the Associations of Adverse Childhood Experiences, Anticipated Discrimination, and Blood Pressure among Sexual and Gender Minority Adults

Pardee Lisa,  Bochicchio Lauren,  Caceres Billy

Final Pr. ID: P1099

Authors:  Pardee Lisa , Bochicchio Lauren , Caceres Billy

Keywords:  Blood pressure, Psychosocial Aspects, Sexual Orientation

05 : 00 PM

Adverse Childhood Experiences are Associated with Poor Sleep Among Racial and Ethnic Minoritized Patients with Recent Myocardial Infarction

Bartelloni Alexis,  De Brito Stefany,  Hausvater Anais,  Smilowitz Nathaniel,  Reynolds Harmony,  Spruill Tanya

Final Pr. ID: P2148

Authors:  Bartelloni Alexis , De Brito Stefany , Hausvater Anais , Smilowitz Nathaniel , Reynolds Harmony , Spruill Tanya

Keywords:  Sleep Quality, Psychosocial Aspects, Cardiovascular disease

Chen Lu,  Shang Zhiying,  He Manlan

Final Pr. ID: NS5

Authors:  Chen Lu , Shang Zhiying , He Manlan

Keywords:  Stroke, Digital Health, Quality of life, Psychosocial Aspects

05 : 00 PM

Are Helpful Kids Healthy Kids? A Systematic Review of Prosocial Behavior in Childhood and Adolescence in Relation to Cardiometabolic Outcomes

Boehm Julia,  Qureshi Farah,  Woodward Krista,  Kubzansky Laura

Final Pr. ID: P1048

Authors:  Boehm Julia , Qureshi Farah , Woodward Krista , Kubzansky Laura

Keywords:  Cardiometabolic health, Children, Psychosocial Aspects, Social Wellbeing

05 : 00 PM

Association Between Life’s Essential 8 and Cardiovascular Disease by Depression Status

Khairy Kareem,  Wallace James,  Park Jee Won

Final Pr. ID: P3151

Authors:  Khairy Kareem , Wallace James , Park Jee Won

Keywords:  Psychosocial Aspects, Epidemiology

05 : 00 PM

Association Between Social Support and Health Status Among Adults After Myocardial Infarction

Liu Olivia,  Li Yiwei,  Reynolds Harmony,  Spruill Tanya,  Arabadjian Milla

Final Pr. ID: P3140

Authors:  Liu Olivia , Li Yiwei , Reynolds Harmony , Spruill Tanya , Arabadjian Milla

Keywords:  Cardiovascular disease, Sex differences, Psychosocial Aspects, Quality of life

05 : 00 PM

Associations Between Cardiovascular Health, Stress, and Emotional Intelligence in First-Year Medical Students; Cross-Sectional Study

Cespedes Jaime,  Ladino-marin Erika,  Sanchez-sanchez Juan,  Guerrero-leon Sara,  Arango-holguin Catalina,  Zambrano-ferreira Melissa,  Trompetero-gonzalez Andrea,  Ramos-caballero Diana,  Lopez-guzman Silvia

Final Pr. ID: P3135

Authors:  Cespedes Jaime , Ladino-marin Erika , Sanchez-sanchez Juan , Guerrero-leon Sara , Arango-holguin Catalina , Zambrano-ferreira Melissa , Trompetero-gonzalez Andrea , Ramos-caballero Diana , Lopez-guzman Silvia

Keywords:  Psychosocial Aspects, Cardiovascular health, Mental Health, Physical Activity, Physiological Interplay,

Shah Amit,  Desai Shivang,  Gold Matthew,  Jain Vardhmaan,  Yadalam Adithya,  Razavi Alexander,  Wiltshire Charis,  Raggi Paolo,  Pearce Brad,  Quyyumi Arshed,  Sameni Reza,  She Hua,  Bremner J Douglas,  Clifford Gari,  Vaccarino Viola,  Elon Lisa,  Roberts Tatum,  Stefanos Lewam,  Haddad George,  Osei Jeffery,  Suvada Kara,  Okoh Alexis

Final Pr. ID: MDP1145

Authors:  Shah Amit , Desai Shivang , Gold Matthew , Jain Vardhmaan , Yadalam Adithya , Razavi Alexander , Wiltshire Charis , Raggi Paolo , Pearce Brad , Quyyumi Arshed , Sameni Reza , She Hua , Bremner J Douglas , Clifford Gari , Vaccarino Viola , Elon Lisa , Roberts Tatum , Stefanos Lewam , Haddad George , Osei Jeffery , Suvada Kara , Okoh Alexis

Keywords:  Autonomic Control, Psychosocial Aspects, Electrocardiography, Stress, Mobile health

Holman Alison,  Shahbaba Ryan,  Cai Hengrui,  Poe Jaeden,  Egharevba Faithful,  Cramer Steven

Final Pr. ID: WP305

Authors:  Holman Alison , Shahbaba Ryan , Cai Hengrui , Poe Jaeden , Egharevba Faithful , Cramer Steven

Keywords:  Stress, Loneliness, Mental Health, Psychosocial Aspects, Rehabilitation post stroke

Awal Issahaku,  Moser Debra,  Cha Geunyeong,  Thapa Ashmita,  Kang Junghee,  Chung Misook,  Biddle Martha,  Wu Jia-rong,  Latimer Abigail,  Thompson Jessica

Final Pr. ID: MDP539

Authors:  Awal Issahaku , Moser Debra , Cha Geunyeong , Thapa Ashmita , Kang Junghee , Chung Misook , Biddle Martha , Wu Jia-rong , Latimer Abigail , Thompson Jessica

Keywords:  Heart failure, Renal function, Psychosocial Aspects, Self-care, Quality of life