Getting To The Heart of StrokeTM: Novel American Heart Association Initiative Which Increases Identification Of Stroke Etiology And Use Of Evidence-Based Post-Stroke Evaluation By Strengthening Neurology And Cardiology Collaboration
Abstract Body: Background Nearly one million individuals in the U.S. experience ischemic stroke annually and one-year recurrent stroke risk may exceed 10%. The American Heart Association (AHA) Get-With-The-Guidelines-Stroke® Registry (GWTG-S) suggests that more than 40% of patients with stroke are discharged with a cryptogenic or undocumented etiology which may lead to suboptimal secondary prevention. Consequently, improved neurology and cardiology collaboration and evidence-based post-stroke evaluation may help identify stroke etiology, reduce recurrences and improve outcomes.
Methods In 2022, the AHA, in collaboration with HCA Healthcare and HCA Healthcare Foundation, designed and launched Getting to the Heart Of StrokeTM in 10 HCA Healthcare advanced stroke centers (GTTHOS) to improve neurology and cardiology collaboration, evidence-based post-stroke diagnostic evaluation and assessment of social determinants of health and barriers to care. Components included a learning collaborative model, virtual performance improvement consultations, Plan-Do-Study-Acts, multidisciplinary teams and performance improvement feedback. This analysis compared GTTHOS centers to the rest of HCA Healthcare’s GWTG-S centers (Non-GTTHOS; n=112) at baseline (2022) and follow-up (2023), using custom and existing GWTG-S metrics.
Results At follow-up, GTTHOS documented higher stroke etiology rates (58.06% vs. 48.63%), lower cryptogenic stroke (31.01% vs. 34.89%) and lower undocumented stroke etiology (10.93% vs. 16.48%)(all vs. baseline; p<0.0001). GTTHOS also demonstrated significantly increased use of evidence-based post-stroke diagnostic evaluation, including intracranial vascular and carotid imaging, echocardiography, short-term and extended (surface, implantable) cardiac monitoring. Lastly, GTTHOS documented significantly higher stroke etiology rates, lower cryptogenic stroke, lower undocumented stroke etiology and higher rates of several components of evidence-based post-stroke diagnostic evaluation at follow-up vs. Non-GTTHOS (Table; Figure 1, 2).
Conclusion In this novel AHA initiative, assessed in over 100 U.S. centers, Getting to the Heart Of StrokeTM is associated with improved determination of stroke etiology and use of evidence-based post-stroke diagnostic evaluation. These findings suggest that the initiative, which includes improved neurology and cardiology collaboration, may contribute to improved diagnosis of stroke etiology, improve secondary prevention and clinical outcomes.
Witt, John
, Nashville
, Tennessee
, United States
Stergar, Lindsay
( HCA Healthcare
, Nashville
, Tennessee
, United States
Orndorff, Kevin
( HCA Healthcare
, Nashville
, Tennessee
, United States
Harper, Russ
( HCA Healthcare
, Nashville
, Tennessee
, United States
Armstrong, Megan
( HCA Healthcare
, Nashville
, Tennessee
, United States
Manoukian, Steven
( HCA Healthcare
, Nashville
, Tennessee
, United States
Baird, Alexandra
( HCA Healthcare
, Nashville
, Tennessee
, United States
Schneider, Alexander
, Asheville
, North Carolina
, United States
Bailey, Alison
, Chattanooga
, Tennessee
, United States
Lakkireddy, Dhanunjaya
( Kansas City Heart Rhythm Institute
, Overland Park
, Kansas
, United States
Jauch, Edward
( UNC Health Sciences at MAHEC
, Asheville
, North Carolina
, United States
Thomas, Kathie
, Grand Rapids
, Michigan
, United States
Beon, Chandler
( American Heart Association
, Dallas
, Texas
, United States
Arnold Egloff, Shanna
( HCA Healthcare
, Nashville
, Tennessee
, United States
Author Disclosures:
John Witt:DO have relevant financial relationships
Research Funding (PI or named investigator):Biogen, Inc.:Past (completed)
; Speaker:Medtronic:Expected (by end of conference)
; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):Janssen Pharmaceutical:Active (exists now)
| Lindsay Stergar:DO NOT have relevant financial relationships
| Kevin Orndorff:DO NOT have relevant financial relationships
| Russ Harper:No Answer
| Megan Armstrong:DO NOT have relevant financial relationships
| Steven Manoukian:DO NOT have relevant financial relationships
| Alexandra Baird:No Answer
| Alexander Schneider:DO NOT have relevant financial relationships
| Alison Bailey:DO have relevant financial relationships
Advisor:Novo Nordisk:Past (completed)
; Consultant:Medtronic:Past (completed)
| Dhanunjaya Lakkireddy:DO have relevant financial relationships
Speaker:Medtronic:Active (exists now)
| Edward Jauch:DO NOT have relevant financial relationships
| Kathie Thomas:DO NOT have relevant financial relationships
| Chandler Beon:No Answer
| Shanna Arnold Egloff:No Answer