Final ID: 37
Large Vessel Disease from Arteries to Veins (Non-Acute Treatment) Oral Abstracts
Wednesday, 02/05/2025 , 09:15AM - 10:45AM
Oral Abstract Session
Nouduri Sirisha, Koffler Kobi, Pirondini Elvira, Gonzalez-martinez Jorge, Liang Lucy, Chalivoy Lucas, Quispe Johan, Ibrahim Souha, Oulmas Ali, Andre Arthur, Francois Quentin, Duplat Bertrand
3D Statistical Shape Analysis Predicts Type A Aortic Dissection Better Than Aortic DiametersMarway Prabhvir, Campello Jorge Carlos Alberto, Wagner Catherine, Baker Timothy, Burris Nicholas
Wang Tao, Ma Yan, Jiao Liqun, Yang Yifan, Wang Haibo, Luo Jichang, Liu Delin, Yang Renjie, Gong Haozhi, Sun Xinyi, Derdeyn Colin
Design of Extracranial-Intracranial Bypass Surgery for Symptomatic Chronic Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion Trial (CMOSS-2)Ma Yan, Wang Tao, Wang Haibo, Yang Yifan, Wang Jie, Derdeyn Colin, Gu Yuxiang, Jiao Liqun
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