Final ID: WMP91
Neuroendovascular Moderated Poster Tour I
Wednesday, 02/05/2025 , 06:00PM - 07:00PM
Moderated Poster Abstract Session
Jain Hritvik, Jha Jagriti, Passey Siddhant, Odat Ramez, Goyal Aman, Pervez Neha, Jain Jyoti, Patel Nandan, Fatima Eeshal, Jenil Franco Ancy, Shah Janhvi
Can the clot meniscus and claw signs predict thrombectomy and clinical outcomes in stroke patients? A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisReda Abdullah, Cortese Jonathan, Gajjar Aryan, Douri Dani, Ghozy Sherief, Kallmes David
Hukamdad Mishaal, Adachi Kaho, Soliman Youssef, Ezzeldin Rime, Ezzeldin Mohamad
Efficacy and Safety of Transcarotid Approach for Mechanical Thrombectomy in Acute Ischemic Stroke: A Multicenter Study with Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisEzzeldin Mohamad, Lim Jaims, Dolia Jaydevsinh, Nascimento Pedro, Haussen Diogo, Grossberg Jonathan, Pabaney Aqueel, Jumaa Mouhammad, Alhajala Hisham, Siddiqui Adnan, Soliman Youssef, Hukamdad Mishaal, Ezzeldin Rime, Tatapudi Suhas, Bushnaq Saif, Hassaballa Hatem, Zwein Mohammad, Jaikumar Vinay
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