
American Heart Association


Final ID: TP102

Exploring the Role of Podcasts in Stroke Recovery and Prevention

Abstract Body: The recovery process for stroke patients requires ongoing reinforcement of critical health information. Traditional education methods of written handouts often fail to adequately meet patient needs, particularly for those with limited literacy, or busy lifestyles. Podcasts are emerging as a powerful tool in patient education, offering a flexible, accessible, and engaging format that can be accessed anytime, anywhere.
The hypothesis was that by prescribing podcasts, we could ensure patients have continuous access to vital information, allowing for repeated exposure and improved retention of key concepts. Studies have shown that podcasts can significantly enhance knowledge retention and listener engagement, even when listeners are engaged in other activities, as verified by EEG. This makes podcasts a practical solution for reinforcing key health messages and catering to diverse learning preferences, offering an alternative for patients who may struggle with written materials. Since neurological patients struggle to retain complex medical information provided during brief consultations, this can lead to gaps in understanding, and consequently suboptimal outcomes.
Putting this hypothesis to the test, our method was to create a podcast with episode topics selected by a multidisciplinary stroke team, focusing on the frequently asked questions posed by stroke survivors and caregivers. Each podcast episode features interviews with expert guests or stroke survivors who discuss strategies and resources relevant to the topic. To enhance accessibility, links to printable information and specialist directories are provided in the show notes of each episode.
The results demonstrate global demand for access to such specialized information, with regular listeners in 56 countries, all 50 of the United States and over 1600 downloads in outlying US territories. Each new episode consistently averages 300 audio downloads or video views in the first week they are released.
In conclusion, neurology providers are encouraged to incorporate podcasts as a standard component of their stroke patient education strategy. Also, future research should focus on developing specialized neurological podcasts tailored to community needs, providing insight into how to aid them to better understand and manage their conditions, ultimately contributing to improved adherence to treatment plans and better quality of life.
  • Hart, Rosa  ( Norton Neuroscience Institute , Louisville , Kentucky , United States )
  • Author Disclosures:
    Rosa Hart: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships
Meeting Info:
Session Info:

Clinical Rehabilitation and Recovery Posters II

Thursday, 02/06/2025 , 07:00PM - 07:30PM

Poster Abstract Session

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