Final ID: TP255
Nathani Rohit, Li Qiang, Nguyen Cathy, Koshy Thomas, Hall Hurst, Mentias Amgad, Chan Paul, Girotra Saket
Bridging thrombolysis prior to thrombectomy does not modify the association between Direct-to-angiography vs Repeat Imaging approaches and functional outcomes after EVT in transferred patientsShafiq Ameena, Elijovich Lucas, Dannenbaum Mark, Mir Osman, Tekle Wondwossen, Maali Laith, Narangoli Adeeb, Yaghmoor Bassam, Al-shaibi Faisal, Saidi Yazid, Al Mostaneer Alhassin, Pujara Deep, Albedaiwi Mohammed, Montgomery Kelly, Sundararajan Sophia, Opaskar Amanda, Xiong Wei, Degeorgia Michael, Duncan Kelsey, Ray Abhishek, Hu Yin, Sunshine Jeffrey, Goyal Nitin, Alenzi Bader, Abdulrazzak Mohammad, Hoit Daniel, Martin-schild Sheryl, Song Sarah, Sitton Clark, Tsivgoulis Georgios, Arthur Adam, Sila Cathy, Bambakidis Nicholas, Chen Michael, Hassan Ameer, Ribo Marc, Sarraj Amrou, Grotta James, Blackburn Spiros, Requena Manuel, Kamal Haris, Abraham Michael
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