Final ID: WP325
Xu Xiaohong, Preeti Preeti, Yu Ruoying, Shaykhalishahi Hamed, Zhang Cheng, Shen Chuanbin, Li Bei, Tang Naping, Chang Yan, Xiang Qian, Cui Yimin, Lei Xi, Ni Heyu, Zhu Guangheng, Liu Zhenze, Hu Xudong, Slavkovic Sladjana, Neves Miguel, Ma Wenjing, Xie Huifang
Association Between Circadian Rest/Activity Rhythms and Incident Dementia in Older Adults: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) StudyWang Wendy, Crainiceanu Ciprian, Spira Adam, Schrack Jennifer, Chen Lin, Wanigatunga Amal, Etzkorn Lacey, Rabinowitz Jill, Palta Priya, Pike James, Dougherty Ryan, Zipunnikov Vadim, Marino Francesca
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