Hypertension 2024 Scientific Sessions
Poster Session 2
Next-Gen Hypertension Control: Integrating Clinical Pharmacists And Cutting-Edge EPIC Electronic Medical Record For Quality And Result Driven Approaches at Federally Qualified Health Centers
American Heart Association
Final ID: P-330
Next-Gen Hypertension Control: Integrating Clinical Pharmacists And Cutting-Edge EPIC Electronic Medical Record For Quality And Result Driven Approaches at Federally Qualified Health Centers
Abstract Body: Hypertension management in Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) requires innovative and comprehensive strategies beyond traditional methods. This study explores a collaborative approach by integrating clinical pharmacists into the healthcare team and utilizing the EPIC Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system. The model addresses medical and non-medical health determinants, offering comprehensive treatment for underserved communities regardless of their ability to pay. We hypothesized that integrating clinical pharmacists would improve and sustain blood pressure control, resulting in more patients achieving their target health outcomes. As part of multidisciplinary teams, clinical pharmacists identify, track, and analyze patient data, manage medication therapies under collaborative practice agreements, and coordinate with other healthcare providers to ensure continuous care. By leveraging EPIC EMR’s data management and patient monitoring capabilities, clinical pharmacists use real-time data to tailor medication regimens, ensure timely interventions, and conduct follow-ups every 2 to 4 weeks via telemedicine or in-clinic visits until patients reach their goals. This approach enhances patient engagement and medication adherence, which is crucial for adequate blood pressure control and cost management. It also supports personalized care addressing medical needs, lifestyle, and socioeconomic factors affecting patient health. The study, initiated in January 2024, involves adult patients with hypertension at one of the largest FQHC in Houston, TX. Key performance indicators include the percentage of patients achieving target blood pressure levels, medication adherence rates, and the frequency of follow-up visits. Preliminary data from quarter 1, 2024, shows that out of 327 patients, 58% have had at least 2 consultations with a clinical pharmacist. Out of those patients, 46% reached blood pressure control below 140/90 mmHg, while 27% showed improvement toward their goal. This quality and result-driven approach elevates hypertension management standards, reduces health disparities, and enhances healthcare delivery within FQHCs. Clinical pharmacists have proven to be indispensable members of the healthcare team. This session aims to provide practical insights and strategies for healthcare professionals to implement similar models, paving the way for the future of hypertension care.
Mikhataykina, Maria
( Legacy Community Health
, Houston
, Texas
, United States
Agrawal, Neha
( Legacy Community Health
, Houston
, Texas
, United States
Author Disclosures:
Maria Mikhataykina:DO NOT have relevant financial relationships
| Neha Agrawal:DO NOT have relevant financial relationships