
American Heart Association


Final ID: We039

Adducin Promotes Cardiomyocyte Sarcomere Disassembly

Abstract Body: Introduction: Recent interest in understanding the cardiomyocyte cell cycle has been driven by potential therapeutic applications in cardiomyopathy. Despite advancements, the intricacies of cardiomyocyte mitosis, especially the breakdown of sarcomeres to enable daughter cardiomyocytes' division, remain largely unexplored.
Hypothesis: This study investigates the role of Adducin in the disassembly of sarcomeres during cardiomyocyte mitosis, hypothesizing that Adducin serves as a crucial regulator in this process.
Goals: Our objective is to elucidate the function of Adducin in sarcomere disassembly during the mitosis of mammalian cardiomyocytes and understand how this process is regulated.
Methods: We examined the expression patterns of α/γ-Adducins, particularly in neonatal cardiomyocytes undergoing mitosis. Subsequently, we experimented with the overexpression of various α-Adducin splices and phosphorus in vitro and in vivo, with a keen interest in the phosphorylation effects of α-Adducin on sarcomere disassembly.
Results: Here, we identify Adducin as a regulator of sarcomere disassembly during mammalian cardiomyocyte mitosis. α/γ-Adducins are selectively expressed in neonatal mitotic cardiomyocytes, and their levels decline precipitously thereafter. Cardiomyocyte-specific overexpression of various splice isoforms and phosphoforms of α-Adducin in vitro and in vivo identified Thr445/Thr480 phosphorylation of a short isoform of α-Adducin as a potent inducer of neonatal cardiomyocyte sarcomere disassembly. Additionally, co-overexpressing this α-Adducin variant with γ-Adducin in adult mice stabilizes the Adducin complex and maintains sarcomere disassembly, facilitated through interactions with α-Actinin.
Conclusion: The study highlights Adducin, particularly α-Adducin phosphorylated at Thr445/Thr480, as a pivotal regulator of sarcomere disassembly during neonatal cardiomyocyte mitosis. This mechanism is essential for coordinating the cytoskeletal changes necessary for the mitotic process in cardiomyocytes, offering insights into potential therapeutic targets for cardiomyopathy.
  • Xiao, Feng  ( UT Southwestern Medical Center , Dallas , Texas , United States )
  • Menendez-montes, Ivan  ( UT Southwestern Medical Center , Dallas , Texas , United States )
  • Elhelaly, Waleed  ( UT Southwestern Medical Center , Dallas , Texas , United States )
  • Singh, Rohit  ( University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati , Ohio , United States )
  • Sadayappan, Sakthivel  ( University of Cincinnati , Cincinnati , Ohio , United States )
  • Kanchwala, Mohammed  ( UT SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL CENTER , Dallas , Texas , United States )
  • Xing, Chao  ( UT SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL CENTER , Dallas , Texas , United States )
  • Ladha, Feria  ( University of Connecticut Health Center , Farmington , Connecticut , United States )
  • Hinson, Travis  ( University of Connecticut Health Center , Farmington , Connecticut , United States )
  • Hajjar, Roger  ( Mount Sinai Cardiovascular Research , New York , New York , United States )
  • Hill, Joseph  ( UT Southwestern Medical Center , Dallas , Texas , United States )
  • Nguyen, Ngoc Uyen Nhi  ( UT Southwestern Medical Center , Dallas , Texas , United States )
  • Sadek, Hesham  ( UT Southwestern Medical Center , Dallas , Texas , United States )
  • Wang, Ping  ( UT Southwestern Medical Center , Dallas , Texas , United States )
  • Hsu, Ching-cheng  ( UT Southwestern Medical Center , Dallas , Texas , United States )
  • Li, Shujuan  ( UT Southwestern Medical Center , Dallas , Texas , United States )
  • Thet, Suwannee  ( UT Southwestern Medical Center , Dallas , Texas , United States )
  • Kimura, Wataru  ( RIKEN , Kobe , Japan )
  • Luo, Xiang  ( UT Southwestern Medical Center , Dallas , Texas , United States )
  • Lam, Nicholas  ( UT Southwestern Medical Center , Dallas , Texas , United States )
  • Author Disclosures:
    Feng Xiao: No Answer | Ivan Menendez-Montes: No Answer | Waleed Elhelaly: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Rohit Singh: No Answer | Sakthivel Sadayappan: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Consultant:Alexion Pharmaceuticals:Active (exists now) ; Consultant:Cardiocare Genetics:Active (exists now) ; Consultant:Affinia Therapeutics:Active (exists now) | Mohammed Kanchwala: No Answer | Chao Xing: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Feria Ladha: No Answer | Travis Hinson: No Answer | Roger Hajjar: No Answer | Joseph Hill: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Ngoc Uyen Nhi Nguyen: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Hesham Sadek: No Answer | Ping Wang: No Answer | Ching-Cheng Hsu: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Shujuan Li: No Answer | Suwannee Thet: No Answer | Wataru Kimura: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Xiang Luo: No Answer | Nicholas Lam: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships
Meeting Info:

Basic Cardiovascular Sciences


Chicago, Illinois

Session Info:

Poster Session and Reception 3

Wednesday, 07/24/2024 , 04:30PM - 07:00PM

Poster Session and Reception

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