Hacking the ubiquitin code to distinctively modulate ion channel functional expression
Abstract Body: Ubiquitin is a powerful modulator of ion channel fate, yet the mechanistic basis and scope of its regulation has remained elusive due to the complexity of the ubiquitin code and an inability to achieve substrate-specific control of the ubiquitome. To circumvent this and to specifically interrogate the role of distinct ubiquitin linkages on the cardiac repolarizing IKs channel KCNQ1 (Q1), we developed a toolkit of engineered deubiquitinases (enDUBs) featuring a GFP/YFP-targeted nanobody fused to catalytic domains of DUBs with preferences for hydrolyzing distinctive polyubiquitin linkage types: OTUD1 - K63; OTUD4 - K48; Cezanne - K11; TRABID - K27/K33; and USP21 - non-specific. Co-expressing each of the enDUBs with YFP-tagged Q1 channels in HEK293 cells led to decreased channel ubiquitination but produced quantitative and qualitative differences in Q1 expression. NanoCezanne and nanoTRABID significantly increased Q1 surface density and ionic currents, whereas nanoOTUD1 and nanoUSP21 yielded more moderate effects. In sharp contrast, nanoOTUD4 downregulated Q1 surface density and currents. The impact on steady-state Q1 surface density was achieved by divergent trafficking mechanisms – nanoTRABID and nanoCezanne increased channel forward trafficking to the surface, while nanoOTUD4 reduced channel forward trafficking. The E3 ligases NEDD4L and ITCH both eliminate Q1 functional expression but with different polyubiquitin signatures as assessed by mass spectrometry. The enDUBs nanoOTUD1, nanoCezanne and nanoUSP21 protected Q1 from NEDD4L; whereas nanoTRABID, nanoOTUD1, nanoCezanne and nanoUSP21 shielded Q1 from ITCH. In adult guinea ventricular cardiomyocytes, the enDUBs displayed context-specific regulatory effects, where nanoOTUD1, nanoCezanne and nanoUSP21 significantly enhanced Q1 surface expression and stability, with nanoTRABID having more moderate effects, while nanoOTUD4 sharply decreased Q1 trafficking to the sarcolemma. Finally, linkage-specific enDUBs demonstrated varying capabilities to rescue distinct trafficking-deficient mutant Q1 channels that cause long QT syndrome and predispose to sudden cardiac death. The results reveal a rich multi-faceted role for linkage-specific ubiquitination in regulating ion channel trafficking with implications to develop targeted therapies for trafficking-deficit ion channelopathies.
Shanmugam, Sri Karthika
( Columbia University Medical Centre
, New York
, New York
, United States
Kanner, Scott
( Columbia University Medical Centre
, New York
, New York
, United States
Zou, Xinle
( Columbia University Medical Centre
, New York
, New York
, United States
Choudhury, Papiya
( Columbia University Medical Centre
, New York
, New York
, United States
Soni, Rajesh
( Columbia University Medical Centre
, New York
, New York
, United States
Kass, Robert
( Columbia University Medical Center
, New York
, New York
, United States
Colecraft, Henry
, New York
, New York
, United States
Author Disclosures:
Sri Karthika Shanmugam:DO NOT have relevant financial relationships
| Scott Kanner:No Answer
| xinle zou:No Answer
| Papiya Choudhury:DO NOT have relevant financial relationships
| Rajesh Soni:DO NOT have relevant financial relationships
| Robert Kass:No Answer
| Henry Colecraft:No Answer