Scientific Sessions 2024
Meet the Trialists: nex-Z and BPROAD
Meet the Trialist: Nexiguran ziclumeran (nex-z, also known as NTLA-2001), an investigational in vivo CRISPR-based therapy for patients with transthyretin amyloidosis with cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM): interim report of the Phase 1 study
American Heart Association
Final ID:
Meet the Trialist: Nexiguran ziclumeran (nex-z, also known as NTLA-2001), an investigational in vivo CRISPR-based therapy for patients with transthyretin amyloidosis with cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM): interim report of the Phase 1 study
Fontana, Marianna
( University College London
, London
, United Kingdom
Author Disclosures:
Marianna Fontana:DO have relevant financial relationships
Consultant:Dr. Fontana reports consultancy/advisory boards for Alnylam, Alexion/Caelum Biosciences, Astrazeneca, Bridgbio/Eidos, Prothena, Attralus, Intellia Therapeutics, Ionis Pharmaceuticals, Cardior, Lexeo Therapeutics, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Prothena, Pfizer, Novonordisk, Bayer, Mycardium. Research grants from: Alnylam, Bridgbio, Astrazeneca, Pfizer. Salary from British Heart Foundation Intermediate Fellowship. Share options in LexeoTherapeutics and shares in Mycardium.:Active (exists now)