Final ID: VD7
Gergely Tamas, Buzas Edit, Neilan Tomas, Ferdinandy Peter, Varga Zoltan, Drobni Zsofia, Kovacs Tamas, Sayour Nabil, Toth Viktoria Eva, Onodi Zsofia, Kocsis Marton, Fekete Nora, Pallinger Eva
Ablation of T-Lymphocyte β-Arrestins Reduces Inflammation and Increases Salt Retention in the Absence of Blood Pressure Changes Following Angiotensin II InfusionGhobrial Mina, Fekete Eva, Muskus Veitia Patricia, Brozoski Daniel, Lu Ko-ting, Hantke Guixa Ana, Wackman Kelsey, Sigmund Curt, Nakagawa Pablo