
American Heart Association


Final ID: MDP1745

Targeting Percent Impedance Drop May Improve Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Success

Abstract Body (Do not enter title and authors here): Background: Contemporary power-modulated radiofrequency (RF) ablation prioritizes power, force and time as variables impacting lesion formation. Targeting specific impedance values remains less well defined but may be important due its effect on current delivery.

Objective: To characterize 1) baseline unipolar RF impedances at PV ostia, and 2) the impact of baseline impedance (BI) and impedance change on procedure success.

Methods: We reviewed one hundred and seventy-five consecutive patients with paroxysmal or persistent atrial fibrillation (AF) undergoing first time RF ablation at our institution between 2020-2021, to accommodate at least one year of follow-up. Two Megadyne impedance patches were placed on the flank of all patients in a standard fashion. BI was measured at PV ostia under intracardiac echocardiography imaging and averaged across all sites. Patients were stratified into low and high impedance groups relative to the median.

Results: Patients with higher BI were slightly younger with larger BMI (p = 0.0001). Mean BI varied by anatomical site, with the roof, ridge, and posterior wall having higher BIs than anterior and inferior regions (125.7 ohms vs 122.8 ohms, p = 0.017). Regions with low BI had higher mean current values achieved (599 mA vs 559 mA, P = 0.000013). There was no significant difference in the BI between groups regarding one year recurrence or first pass isolation. However, the most frequent region requiring additional ablation was the right posterior wall, and there the percent impedance drop was the lowest at 4.87%.

Conclusion: Baseline pulmonary vein impedances are higher at the roof, ridge, and posterior wall. To achieve similar first pass isolation rates, these regions had larger absolute impedance drops resulting in similar percent impedance change. The region associated with worst first pass isolation rates had percent impedance drop <5%. Targeting percent rather than absolute impedance drop may improve atrial fibrillation success.
  • Adewumi, Joseph  ( University of Colorado , Aurora , Colorado , United States )
  • Barrett, Christopher  ( Denver Health , Denver , Colorado , United States )
  • Von Alvensleben, Johannes  ( Children's Hospital Colorado , Aurora , Colorado , United States )
  • Tumolo, Alexis  ( University of Colorado , Aurora , Colorado , United States )
  • Garg, Lohit  ( University of Colorado , Aurora , Colorado , United States )
  • Aleong, Ryan  ( University of Colorado , Aurora , Colorado , United States )
  • Rosenberg, Michael  ( University of Colorado , Aurora , Colorado , United States )
  • Varosy, Paul  ( Rocky Mountain Regional VA , Aurora , Colorado , United States )
  • Tzou, Wendy  ( University of Colorado , Aurora , Colorado , United States )
  • Zipse, Matthew  ( University of Colorado , Aurora , Colorado , United States )
  • Sandhu, Amneet  ( Rocky Mountain Regional VA , Aurora , Colorado , United States )
  • Cerbin, Lucasz  ( University of Colorado , Aurora , Colorado , United States )
  • Murphy, Rachel  ( University of Colorado , Aurora , Colorado , United States )
  • Sabzwari, Syed Rafay Ali  ( University of Colorado , Aurora , Colorado , United States )
  • Varela, Daniel  ( University of Colorado , Aurora , Colorado , United States )
  • Saqi, Bilal  ( University of Colorado , Aurora , Colorado , United States )
  • Ashur, Carmel  ( University of Colorado , Aurora , Colorado , United States )
  • Grubb, Alex  ( University of Colorado , Aurora , Colorado , United States )
  • Padalia, Kishan  ( University of Colorado , Aurora , Colorado , United States )
  • Author Disclosures:
    Joseph Adewumi: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Christopher Barrett: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Johannes Von Alvensleben: No Answer | Alexis Tumolo: No Answer | Lohit Garg: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Ryan Aleong: No Answer | Michael Rosenberg: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Paul Varosy: No Answer | Wendy Tzou: No Answer | Matthew Zipse: No Answer | Amneet Sandhu: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Lucasz Cerbin: No Answer | Rachel Murphy: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Syed Rafay Ali Sabzwari: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Consultant:Medtronic:Past (completed) ; Speaker:Boston Scientific:Past (completed) | Daniel Varela: No Answer | Bilal Saqi: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Carmel Ashur: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Alex Grubb: No Answer | Kishan Padalia: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships
Meeting Info:

Scientific Sessions 2024


Chicago, Illinois

Session Info:

Ablating Smarter: Back to Biophysics!

Monday, 11/18/2024 , 09:30AM - 10:55AM

Moderated Digital Poster Session

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