
American Heart Association


Final ID: MDP1603

Trends in Obesity-related Cardiovascular Disease Mortality across the United States from 1999-2022: An Analysis of Age, Gender, and Race disparities

Abstract Body (Do not enter title and authors here): Background
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of mortality worldwide and is inextricably linked to obesity, which is a modifiable risk factor for the pathology. In this study, we aimed to analyze the trends of obesity-related cardiovascular disease mortality in the United States from a period of 1999-2022 and also explored the incongruities between various epidemiological groups.

Our study involved accessing multiple cause of mortality records obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Wide-Ranging Online Data for Epidemiological Research (CDC Wonder) database, specifically focusing on obesity-related cardiovascular mortality, from 1999 to 2022. Age-adjusted mortality rates (AAMR) per 100,000 individuals and associated annual percent changes (APC) for the overall study population were calculated. We further analyzed the data by dividing it into epidemiological groups of age, race, gender, and ethnicity. We further stratified the cardiovascular disease mortality into heart failure, hypertension, ischemic heart disease, and cerebrovascular disease. We used Joinpoint Regression Program to analyze trends in AAMR.

A total of 33,359 deaths occurred from obesity-related cardiovascular disease in the US from 1999 to 2022. The overall AAMR for obesity-related cardiovascular mortality increased from 1999-2018 with an APC of 5.26, but following this, almost tripled from 2018-2022 with an APC of 14.69. The populations with the highest mortality rates were those in Males, African Americans, non-Hispanics, and the age group of 65-74 years. Among the stratification for the causes of CVD mortality, the highest increase in obesity-related AAMR was observed in hypertensive diseases (APC of 7.56 from 1999-2018, and 15.91 from 2018-2022).

Obesity-related CVD mortality experienced a moderate incline in the United States. However, since COVID-19, there has been a significant increase in mortality. Persistent demographic and geographic disparities in mortality underscore the need for further investigation and intervention.
  • Ayyan, Muhammad  ( King Edward Medical University , Lahore , Pakistan )
  • Amir, Saim  ( King Edward Medical University , Lahore , Pakistan )
  • Abdelnour, Mark  ( University of California Irvine , Orange , California , United States )
  • Zahid, Afra  ( King Edward Medical University , Lahore , Pakistan )
  • Ehsan, Muhammad  ( King Edward Medical University , Lahore , Pakistan )
  • Cheema, Huzaifa Ahmad  ( King Edward Medical University , Lahore , Pakistan )
  • Shahid, Abia  ( King Edward Medical University , Lahore , Pakistan )
  • Dani, Sourbha  ( Lahey Hospital and Medical Center , Burlington , Massachusetts , United States )
  • Author Disclosures:
    Muhammad Ayyan: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Saim Amir: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Mark Abdelnour: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Afra Zahid: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Muhammad Ehsan: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Huzaifa Ahmad Cheema: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Abia Shahid: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Sourbha Dani: No Answer
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