
American Heart Association


Final ID: Sa4173

Sex Differences in Vascular Remodeling in Pulmonary Hypertension are mediated by Endothelin-2

Abstract Body (Do not enter title and authors here): Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is characterized by pulmonary arterial vascular remodelingleading to increased pulmonary artery pressure causing right ventricular hypertrophy, failure anddeath. The incidence of PAH is much higher in female patients, indicating that males may have aprotective factor that could help elucidate the pathogenesis of PAH. We have recently demonstratedthat the Y chromosome gene UTY protects against PH development in mice, however the fulldownstream mechanisms remains unknown. By integrating RNA-Seq on whole lung tissues fromUty-KO and WT male mice with a publically available male and female PAH lung microarraydataset, we found increased expression of Endothelin 2 (ET-2) in the lungs of Uty-KO compared toWT mice with PH as well as in the lungs of female patients compared to males with PAH. The roleof ET-1 is known in PAH, and Endothelin receptor antagonists are a common PAH therapy to whichfemale patients are more responsive. However, ET-2 has yet to be investigated in this context. Wevalidated that ET-2 expression is significantly increased in lung tissue from PAH female patientscompared to males. Plasma ET-2 concentration is also significantly higher in PAH patients versuscontrols. Interestingly, plasma ET-2 negatively correlates with pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR)and mean pulmonary arterial pressure (mPAP) in male PAH patients, whereas plasma ET-2significantly positively correlates with PVR and mPAP in female PAH patients. Functionally, wefound that recombinant ET-2 significantly inhibits proliferation of male pulmonary artery endothelialcells (PAECs), but significantly promotes proliferation in female PAECs. Similarly, ET-2 significantlyincreased proliferation of female pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMC), but not malePASMC. Together, we show that increased ET-2 expression may contribute to worsening PH bypromoting vascular remodeling in the lung and that elevated ET2 in females may at least partiallyexplain the higher incidence of female PAH patients
  • Medzikovic, Lejla  ( Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA , Los Aeles , California , United States )
  • Cunningham, Christine  ( UCLA , Los Angeles , California , United States )
  • Li, Min  ( UCLA , Los Angeles , California , United States )
  • Aryan, Laila  ( UCLA , Malibu , California , United States )
  • Sun, Wasila  ( UCLA , Los Angeles , California , United States )
  • Dehghanitafti, Ateyeh  ( UCLA , Los Angeles , California , United States )
  • Ruffenach, Gregoire  ( UCLA , Los Angeles , California , United States )
  • Hong, Jason  ( UCLA , La Crescenta , California , United States )
  • Eghbali, Mansoureh  ( UCLA , Los Angeles , California , United States )
  • Author Disclosures:
    Lejla Medzikovic: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Christine Cunningham: No Answer | min li: No Answer | Laila Aryan: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Wasila Sun: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Ateyeh Dehghanitafti: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Gregoire Ruffenach: No Answer | Jason Hong: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Mansoureh Eghbali: No Answer
Meeting Info:

Scientific Sessions 2024


Chicago, Illinois

Session Info:

A Medley of All Things Pulmonary Hypertension

Saturday, 11/16/2024 , 02:00PM - 03:00PM

Abstract Poster Session

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