Stress-related genetic factors modify the effect of lower socioeconomic status on cardiovascular disease risk through autonomic and immune mechanisms.
Abikaram Krystel, Choi Karmel, Smoller Jordan, Seligowski Antonia, Tawakol Ahmed, Osborne Michael, Abohashem Shady, Lau Hui Chong, Khalil Maria, Aldosoky Wesam, Qamar Iqra, Civieri Giovanni, Hanlon Erin, Assefa Alula
Association between Marital Status and Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events: Role of Stress-Related Neural-Immune Mechanisms
Lau Hui Chong, Seligowski Antonia, Osborne Michael, Tawakol Ahmed, Abohashem Shady, Abikaram Krystel, Civieri Giovanni, Assefa Alula, Hanlon Erin, Qamar Iqra, Khalil Maria, Aldosoky Wesam