Pre-Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Echocardiographic Indices and Post-Transplant Cardiovascular Outcomes
Kalathoor Sujay, Banerjee Mousumi, Leja Monika, Hayek Salim, Vasbinder Alexi, Catalan Tonimarie, Machado Kristen, Ismail Anis, Hutten Christina, Pizzo Ian, Huang Yiyuan, Blakely Pennelope
Prior Statin Therapy Reduces Inflammation and Improves Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized for Covid-19: A Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study
Ismail Anis, Banerjee Mousumi, Rubenfire Melvyn, Williams Geoffrey, Busui Rodica, Hayek Salim, Shadid Husam, Huang Yiyuan, Hutten Christina, Vasbinder Alexi, Pizzo Ian, Catalan Tonimarie, Machado Kristen, Blakely Pennelope