
American Heart Association


Final ID: Su2034

Externally Validated Deep Learning Model for Patent Ductus Arteriosus Detection by Echocardiography in Preterm Infants

Abstract Body (Do not enter title and authors here): Introduction: Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is a common form of congenital heart disease in premature infants and a source of significant morbidity. Echocardiography is the mainstay modality for diagnosis and monitoring but is resource-intensive and requires expertise for interpretation.
Aims: To develop and externally validate a deep learning model to identify PDA in preterm infants by echocardiography.
Methods: We trained, validated, and tested a convolutional neural network to detect PDA in raw echocardiogram clips from infants (gestational age <37 weeks) with and without PDAs and no significant additional congenital heart disease at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC). For training and validation, we employed a 12-fold cross-validation procedure. Experienced cardiologists defined the ground truth labels. We assessed classification performance on an internal model naïve dataset using the area under the receiver operator curve (AUROC), sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value. For external multicenter testing, we used studies from Children’s Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) and Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH), both of which utilize a different ultrasound system vendor.
Results: Training and validation were completed using 1,145 color/color-compare clips (661 clips with PDA and 484 no PDA) from 66 patients. The internal test dataset consisted of 142 clips from 16 patients. The external CHOC and BCH cohorts consisted of 146 clips from 50 patients and 294 clips from 68 patients, respectively. Model performance was similar for internal and external testing (Table 1).
Conclusions: Our deep learning model detected the presence of PDA with acceptable performance. This performance generalized well across multiple institutions and ultrasound vendors. This work shows promise for the future development of an automated tool for PDA diagnosis enabling the democratization of pediatric cardiology resources.
  • Gearhart, Addison  ( Boston Children's Hospital , Brookline , Massachusetts , United States )
  • Smith, Dane  ( Clemson University , Clemson , South Carolina , United States )
  • Baker, George  ( MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLIN , Charleston , South Carolina , United States )
  • Elrod, Micaela  ( MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLIN , Charleston , South Carolina , United States )
  • Gomes, Thomas  ( MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLIN , Charleston , South Carolina , United States )
  • Golbus, Alexa  ( MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLIN , Charleston , South Carolina , United States )
  • Baltimore, Christopher  ( MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLIN , Charleston , South Carolina , United States )
  • Wakser, Cayla  ( MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLIN , Charleston , South Carolina , United States )
  • Graham, Jason  ( MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLIN , Charleston , South Carolina , United States )
  • Lai, Wyman  ( CHOC Children's , Orange , California , United States )
  • Powell, Andrew  ( MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLIN , Charleston , South Carolina , United States )
  • Author Disclosures:
    Addison Gearhart: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Dane Smith: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | George Baker: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Micaela Elrod: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Thomas Gomes: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Alexa Golbus: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Christopher Baltimore: No Answer | Cayla Wakser: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Jason Graham: No Answer | Wyman Lai: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Royalties/Patent Beneficiary:Wiley:Active (exists now) | Andrew Powell: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Independent Contractor:Siemens Healthcare:Past (completed)
Meeting Info:

Scientific Sessions 2024


Chicago, Illinois

Session Info:

Pediatric Cardiovascular Imaging

Sunday, 11/17/2024 , 03:15PM - 04:15PM

Abstract Poster Session

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