
American Heart Association


Final ID: 4126304

A Cardiac Targeting Peptide Linked to miRNA106a Targets and Suppresses Genes Known to Cause Heart Failure: Reversing Heart Failure at the Source

Abstract Body (Do not enter title and authors here): Background: About one in five adults at age 40 will develop heart failure (HF) during their lifetime. Risk factors for HF (e.g., hypertension, etc.) alter cardiomyocytes structure and function resulting in HF. At the cellular level, these changes consist of mis/over-expression of genes that regulate cardiac identity (e.g., CamK2d, PKC, etc). The current paradigm for treating HF is pharmacological intervention or surgery; however, with few exceptions, the condition worsens with time. We are proposing a paradigm-shift for treating HF from a drug-centric system to a molecular approach that would reverse hypertrophy and adverse remodeling. Methods: A cardiac targeting peptide (CTP) was generated and linked by disulfide bond to miRNA106a, which was then introduced into a HF mouse model to measure its ability to reverse multiple heart failure parameters. CTP-miRNA106a was also introduced into a human cardiac cell line, followed by multiple analyses including Western Blot, qPCR, FACS, immunofluorescence all used to identify mechanism(s) utilized by CTP-miRNA106a to reverse HF characteristics. Results: Bio-distribution studies showed CTP delivered its miRNA106a cargo specifically to the heart within 30 mins, followed by clearance of CTP from the heart to the kidneys and liver by 3-5hrs post systemic drug injection. MiRNA106a persisted in cardiomyocytes until day 7 (latest tested time-point). CTP-miRNA106a reversed Ang2/Iso induced hypertrophy in 90% of the experimental mice (Fig1). We also identified two potential HF intracellular signaling mechanisms (PLCb1/PKC/IP3 and NfkB) targeted by CTP-miRNA106a that could benefit both types of HF, HFrEF and HFpEF. PLCβ1 is a direct target for miRNA106a while the Nfkb pathway is indirectly targeted by decreased Camk2d (an miRNA106a target) signaling to IκBα. NfkB activity is quelled by miRNA106a. Conclusions: Our approach utilizes the function of miRNA106a to downregulate genes involved in cardiac hypertrophy and inflammation through the PLCb1 and CamKIId/Nfkb pathways. Most importantly, using a CTP-miRNA106a, we show delivery of miRNA106a cargo is specific to cardiomyocytes both in vitro and in vivo and that once delivered, many HF parameters including hypertrophy are reversed.
  • Lu, Ming  ( Georgetown University , Washington DC , China )
  • Deng, Claire  ( GEORGETOWN UNIV MEDICAL CENTER , Washington , District of Columbia , United States )
  • Taskintuna, Kaan  ( GEORGETOWN UNIV MEDICAL CENTER , Washington , District of Columbia , United States )
  • Ahern, Gerard  ( GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY , Washington , District of Columbia , United States )
  • Yurko, Ray  ( University of Pittsburgh , Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania , United States )
  • Islam, Kazi  ( University of Pittsburgh , Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania , United States )
  • Zahid, Maliha  ( MAYO CLINIC , Rochester , Minnesota , United States )
  • Gallicano, Ian  ( GEORGETOWN UNIV MEDICAL CENTER , Washington , District of Columbia , United States )
  • Author Disclosures:
    Ming Lu: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Claire Deng: No Answer | Kaan Taskintuna: No Answer | Gerard Ahern: No Answer | Ray Yurko: No Answer | Kazi Islam: No Answer | Maliha Zahid: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Ian Gallicano: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships
Meeting Info:

Scientific Sessions 2024


Chicago, Illinois

Session Info:

Cutting Edge Clinical Cardiomyopathies Research

Sunday, 11/17/2024 , 08:00AM - 09:15AM

Abstract Oral Session

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