
American Heart Association


Final ID: Sa1030

The Clinic Ottakring – Lipid Registry: a Contemporary Single-Center Real-World Analysis from a Tertiary Hospital

Abstract Body (Do not enter title and authors here): In the real world only about 20 % of patients with ASCVD are at the target range, as shown by the SANTORINI trial (1). Therefore, there is still a great need for the improvement of lipid-lowering therapy (LLT).

Our Lipid Registry was set up as a retrospective study including patients who visited our outpatients ward focusing on lipid-lowering therapy (LLT). The indications were: low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-c) > 130 mg/dL in LLT- naive patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS), coronary artery disease (CAD) not on optimal LLT, familial hypercholesterolemia and LLT intolerance. We collected baseline characteristics as well as laboratory parameters of these patients during their visits. The dual LLT (high-potency statin and ezetimibe) was initiated in every patient during the hospitalization, if not contraindicated, as target variable we used non-HDL-C.

In total 181 patients were included, of which 136 (75.1%) patients visited our clinic for control purposes. Patients who didn’t visit the clinic were predominantly men and had no or few pre-experiences with LLT. Fourty-one (36.9%) patients had a BMI>30, 126 (92.6%) of patients had CAD of which 85 (63%) had the diagnosis of a recent ACS. Arterial hypertension was present in 78.7% and diabetes mellitus type 2 in 23.5% of cases. At the 1st visit to our LLT department 4-6 weeks after dismission from the hospital, 86 patients (61.9%) reached the recommended (ESC/EAS 2019) non-HDL-C goal. At the 2nd visit (8-12 weeks after index hospitalization), 117 patients (86.2%) and at the 3rd visit 120 patients (88.2%) reached their target. The analysis of patients initially presenting with ACS showed that 60 (69.8%) of them after 4-6 weeks and 77 (90.6%) patients after 8-12 weeks reached the recommended non-HDL-c goal. Among the study population 108 (79.4%) of patients, and 81 (95.3%) of ACS patients received dual LLT immediately during the index event. After the first visit, 31 (36.5%) of ACS patients needed the addition of the third lipid-lowering drug to achieve the recommended goal (see attached tables).

Our strategy for managing hyperlipidemia in patients with a very-high cardiovascular risk showed high achievement of the non-HDL-C goal as recommended by the recent ESC guidelines in contrast to real-world data. We were able to demonstrate, that the strategy based on the idea to treat high-CV risk patients early and strong is the way to reach the treatment goal in a high percentage of patients (2).
  • Weltler, Patrick  ( Klinik Ottakring , Wien , Austria )
  • Pogran, Edita  ( Klinik Ottakring , Wien , Austria )
  • Harbich, Paul Felix  ( Klinik Ottakring , Wien , Austria )
  • Burger, Achim  ( Klinik Ottakring , Wien , Austria )
  • Neubauer, Georg  ( Klinik Ottakring , Wien , Austria )
  • Huber, Kurt  ( Sigmund Freud University , Vienna , Austria )
  • Author Disclosures:
    Patrick Weltler: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Edita Pogran: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Paul Felix Harbich: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Achim Burger: No Answer | Georg Neubauer: No Answer | Kurt Huber: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships
Meeting Info:

Scientific Sessions 2024


Chicago, Illinois

Session Info:

Lipoproteins - Clinical and Translational Studies

Saturday, 11/16/2024 , 10:30AM - 11:30AM

Abstract Poster Session

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