
American Heart Association

Matthew N Ahmadi

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Showing 1 Abstract.

Meeting name: Scientific Sessions 2024 , 2024 , Chicago, Illinois

Authors: Bian Wenxin , Pulsford Richard , Mielke Gregore , Johansson Peter J. , Hettiarachchi Pasan , Koemel Nicholas , Thijssen Dick , Stenholm Sari , Mishra Gita , Teixeira Pinto Armando , Rangu Vegar , N Ahmadi Matthew , Sherar Lauren , Ekelund Ulf , Hughes Alun , Lee I-min , Cistulli Peter , Holtermann Andreas , Koster Annemarie , Hamer Mark , Stamatakis Emmanuel , Biswas Raaj Kishore , Blodgett Joanna , Atkin Andrew , Chan Hsiu-wen , Del Pozo Cruz Borja , Suorsa Kristin , Bakker Esmee

Keywords: Cardiometabolic health, Sleep Pattern, Physical Activity, Sleep Duration, Epidemiology