
American Heart Association


Final ID: Sa1106

Computed Tomography Imaging After In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: An Observational Cohort Study

Abstract Body: Introduction/Background
Computed tomography (CT) imaging is a promising method for diagnosing patients after return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) from cardiac arrest. CT information could alter management, improving patient outcomes. There are data supporting use after out-of-hospital arrests, but use and impact of CT imaging after in-hospital-cardiac arrest (IHCA) has not been investigated.
Research Question/Hypothesis
We hypothesize that CT imaging will identify acute pathology, resulting in a change in management.
Our aim is to describe the rates of use, findings, and consequences of CT imaging after IHCA.
We screened for the first IHCA on admission between 1/26 2023, and 1/302024 at 3 hospitals. Patients 18 years of age or older who achieved ROSC were included. Information was collected on demographics, type of imaging performed, imaging findings, and whether the findings acutely changed management. A change in management was defined as a subsequent change in medications, procedures, or consultations that would not have otherwise occurred and was specifically performed to reverse, mitigate, or treat the imaging finding, based on review of chart documentation by critical care fellows and medicine residents. Results are reported as counts and percentages.
We screened 638 IHCA at 3 hospitals. Of the 201 patients meeting inclusion criteria, 72 (35.8%) died within 24 hours after ROSC. Of those who survived 24 hours, 58 of 129 (45.0%) received CT imaging in the 48 hours after ROSC, 53 (41.1%) received a head CT, 26 (20.2%) received a chest CT, 19 (14.7%) received an abdomen/pelvis CT, and 4 (3.1%) received a CT that was not head, chest, or abdomen/pelvis. The most common findings were ischemic stroke (15), pulmonary airspace opacities (23), and pleural effusion (15). An acute finding (previously unknown) was identified in 32 of 58 scans (55.2%), and there was an acute change in management because of the acute finding in 21 (65.6%) of those patients. For 8 patients (13.8%), the scan identified an acute finding thought to have contributed to the cardiac arrest. Of the 58 patients who received CT imaging, 2 of them (3.4%) suffered cardiac arrest while receiving the CT scan.
CT imaging within 48 hours after IHCA frequently identified acute pathology, resulting in a change in management. Complications were seen, although we do not know if these were a result of the CT imaging, related transportation, or other causes.
  • Galfund, Jack  ( Montefiore Medical Center , Bronx , New York , United States )
  • Hoang, Martin  ( Montefiore Medical Center , Bronx , New York , United States )
  • Cela, Alban  ( Montefiore Medical Center , Bronx , New York , United States )
  • Miller, Ashley  ( Montefiore Medical Center , Bronx , New York , United States )
  • Eisen, Lewis  ( Montefiore Medical Center , Bronx , New York , United States )
  • Gong, Michelle  ( Montefiore Medical Center , Bronx , New York , United States )
  • Moskowitz, Ari  ( Montefiore Medical Center , Bronx , New York , United States )
  • Andrea, Luke  ( Montefiore Medical Center , Bronx , New York , United States )
  • Author Disclosures:
    Jack Galfund: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Martin Hoang: No Answer | Alban Cela: No Answer | Ashley Miller: No Answer | Lewis Eisen: No Answer | Michelle Gong: No Answer | Ari Moskowitz: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Luke Andrea: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships
Meeting Info:

Resuscitation Science Symposium


Chicago, Illinois

Session Info:

ReSS24 Poster Session 111: Neurologic and Other than Injury After Cardiac Arrest

Saturday, 11/16/2024 , 05:15PM - 06:45PM

ReSS24 Poster Session and Reception

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