
American Heart Association


Final ID:

Integrating digital tools into a health coaching intervention to improve BP control among patients with cardiovascular risk in the LA safety net

  • Hernandez, Ann  ( UCLA , Los Angeles , California , United States )
  • Author Disclosures:
    Ann Hernandez: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships
Meeting Info:
Session Info:

HEADS-UP: Health Equity and Actionable Disparities in Stroke: Understanding and Problem-solving

Tuesday, 02/04/2025 , 08:30AM - 05:45PM

Pre-Con Symposium – HEADS-UP

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Determining genetic contributions in young stroke from TAPESTRY whole exome sequencing data

Kumar Gyanendra, Luehrs Tony, Sicotte Hugues, Kaiwar Charu, Kocher Jean-pierre, Brown Samantha, Lazaridis Konstantinos, Swanson Alexandria, Egan Jan, Schroeder Mariah, Libling William, Beezhold Brenna, Vierkant Robert

Area Deprivation Index Associated with Time to Presentation in Acute Ischemic Stroke and Eligibility for Standard Window versus Late Presenter Thrombolysis

Fritsche Colette, Corlin Laura, Leung Lester

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