
American Heart Association


Final ID: TP24

The Classification of Stroke Ambulance Dispatches in a Mixed Rural Urban Stroke Ambulance Program

Abstract Body: Introduction. Mobile Stroke Units (MSUs) are proven to shorten the time between stroke recognition and thrombolysis resulting to better patient outcomes and are deemed safe and cost-effective. Recent trials demonstrated that a dispatch of a mobile stroke unit in addition to conventional ambulances is associated with lower patient disability at 90 days. Despite these proven advantages, there are few studies describing the nature of the calls that MSUs receive to aid in resource planning. This study aims to describe the types of calls that a mixed rural/urban Stroke Ambulance (SA), in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada received in a year.
Methods. Stroke Ambulance activations from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024 were reviewed to determine the composition of calls and further classify them as to the following criteria: origin of call (metro, suburban, rural), decision of SA (stood down en-route, arrived on scene, SA transport) and thrombolysis decision.
Results. Of 1030 dispatches 791 were stood down en route. There were 59 patients who received consultation and transport by the Stroke Ambulance of which 51 patients received thrombolysis. There were another 180 patients who received consultation without transport or thrombolysis. Urban patients made up 80% of dispatches with rural and suburban 20%.
Conclusions. Stroke ambulances in a mixed rural/urban program require a high deployment rate due to a high rate of stand downs. The program provides potentially valuable consultation in the field to three times the number of patients that receive thrombolysis.
  • Sarmiento, Robert Joseph  ( UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA , Edmonton , Alberta , Canada )
  • Gilbertson, Kimberley  ( Alberta Health Services , Edmonton , Alberta , Canada )
  • Shuaib, Ashfaq  ( University of Alberta , Edmonton , Alberta , Canada )
  • Khan, Khurshid  ( UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA , Edmonton , Alberta , Canada )
  • Kate, Mahesh  ( University of Alberta , Edmonton , Alberta , Canada )
  • Buck, Brian  ( University of Alberta , Edmonton , Alberta , Canada )
  • Jeerakathil, Tom  ( UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA , Edmonton , Alberta , Canada )
  • Author Disclosures:
    Robert Joseph Sarmiento: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Kimberley Gilbertson: No Answer | Ashfaq Shuaib: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Khurshid Khan: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Mahesh Kate: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Brian Buck: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Tom Jeerakathil: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships
Meeting Info:
Session Info:

Acute Treatment: Systemic Thrombolysis and Cerebroprotection Posters II

Thursday, 02/06/2025 , 07:00PM - 07:30PM

Poster Abstract Session

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