
American Heart Association


Final ID: NS9

Community Based Stroke Self-Management Program for Rural African American Aging Population: A Needs Assessment and Initial Development

Abstract Body:
High Blood Pressure (HBP) issue is high among African American aging populations living in rural areas. There is a lack of programs for self-management of HBP and post-stroke life for these individuals living in rural Stroke belt areas.
Develop the need-based Community Stroke and Hypertension Self-management Program (CSSP) and test its feasibility among rural-dwelling African American stroke survivors 50 and above.
Study Design:
Mixed methods study with a sequential design.
Study Population: African American stroke survivors with HBP aged 50 years or above (N=25) and caregivers (N=15) residing in rural counties of Alabama.
Study Procedures:
I) Needs assessment: We assessed needs and cultural preferences by using surveys and interviews. The surveys included a) the demographic survey, b) the Hypertension Knowledge-Level Scale, c) the Hypertension Self-Care Activity Level Effects, and d) the Southampton Stroke Self-Management Questionnaire.
II) Intervention development: Multicomponent intervention includes a) educational component, b) home visiting, c) problem-solving, d) telephonic follow-ups, e) text reminders, and f) social groups.
III) Intervention delivery phase: A 12-week CSSP will be delivered to groups of 8 to 10 participants in a hybrid format. Data will be collected before, at midpoint, and after the intervention is completed.
Results from Needs assessment:
Themes evolved from Qualitative data:
- Lack of information, lack of rehabilitation services, and lack of assistance with daily life activities. Multiple barriers to care and challenges during post-stroke, including lack of transportation and affordability of care. These communities have some facilitators for health programs, including the existing conference call system and social groups.
Results from Quantitative Data:
All participants (100%) had low knowledge related to HBP management. The majority of them had low levels of adherence with HBP medications (52%), a low-salt diet (92%), physical activity (56%), weight management (81%), and alcohol avoidance (91%). All (100%) of the participants had low to moderate competencies to manage post-stroke conditions.
African American aging individuals living in the Deep South are at risk for HBP and recurrence of stroke. There is a need for a self-management program that would overcome contextual barriers related to rural areas and enable these populations to manage their HBP and post-stroke life.
  • Andrabi, Mudasir  ( The University of Alabama , Tuscaloosa , Alabama , United States )
  • Author Disclosures:
    Mudasir Andrabi: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships
Meeting Info:
Session Info:

Nursing Symposium: Stroke Program Optimization

Tuesday, 02/04/2025 , 01:00PM - 05:00PM

Nursing Symposium

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