Final ID: WMP118
Rockwell Cheryl, Dattmore Devon, Mcdonald Paiton, Chowdhury Afrin, Awali Saamera, Boss Allison, Sather Lisa, Lauver Adam
A First-in-Class Humanized Antibody Fragment Targeting Platelet Glycoprotein Ibα: A Comprehensive Preclinical Study of CA1001 for the Treatment of Acute Ischemic StrokeXu Xiaohong, Preeti Preeti, Yu Ruoying, Shaykhalishahi Hamed, Zhang Cheng, Shen Chuanbin, Li Bei, Tang Naping, Chang Yan, Xiang Qian, Cui Yimin, Lei Xi, Ni Heyu, Zhu Guangheng, Liu Zhenze, Hu Xudong, Slavkovic Sladjana, Neves Miguel, Ma Wenjing, Xie Huifang
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