Final ID: TP293
Mcclintick Daniel, Gerhard Marie, Januzzi James, Di Carli Marcelo, Secemsky Eric, Bhatt Deepak, Blankstein Ron, Divakaran Sanjay, Biery David, Berman Adam, Besser Stephanie, Shiyovich Arthur, Singh Avinainder, Huck Daniel, Weber Brittany, Bonaca Marc
ACLY Inhibition as a Novel Therapeutic Approach for Vascular Remodeling in Coronary Artery Disease.Grobs Yann, Reem El-kabbout, Potus Francois, Provencher Steeve, Boucherat Olivier, Bonnet Sebastien, Romanet Charlotte, Lemay Sarah-eve, Bourgeois Alice, Voisine Pierre, Theberge Charlie, Sauvaget Melanie, Breuils Bonnet Sandra, Martineau Sandra
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