
American Heart Association


Final ID: WP321

Development of scoring system for predicting recurrent ischemic stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation

Abstract Body: Background
Previous risk assessment tools for patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) have not primarily focused on those with acute ischemic stroke (AIS). Prediction models that rely solely on clinical parameters have shown limited predictive ability, underscoring the need for models that incorporate neuroimaging parameters to improve the prediction of stroke recurrence in AIS patients with AF.

The East-Asian Ischemic Stroke Patients with Atrial Fibrillation (EAST-AF) study was a nationwide, multicenter prospective registry that enrolled AIS patients with AF from 15 stroke centers. Twenty-six potential variables were selected based on previous literature regarding stroke recurrence and AF. A subdistribution model, with non-stroke death as a competing risk, was employed. Variables for the primary model were chosen based on the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), with ΔAIC < 0 indicating model simplification. Final variables were selected from the primary model based on statistical significance (P-value) and included in the secondary model. Scores were assigned to each variable using the beta coefficients divided by 0.1. The scoring model was validated through bootstrapping and compared to CHADS2, CHA2DS2-VASc, and ATRIA scores.

Among 15,936 acute ischemic stroke patients from 2017 to 2020, 2,577 consented to participate. Of these, 2,165 patients who had lesion-positive imaging, underwent MRI and angiography, and survived at discharge were analyzed. The mean age was 75.0 (±9.99) years, and 78.8% were prescribed direct oral anticoagulants. The cumulative incidence of recurrent stroke was 4.83% (3.95-5.84%) at 1 year and 9.27% (7.90-10.77%) at 3 years. Ten variables with ΔAIC < 0 were chosen for the primary model. From these, four variables—concomitant large artery steno-occlusion (cLASO), acute infarction multiplicity, chronic embolic infarction, and pre-stroke anticoagulation—were included in the secondary model (Image 1), with 5, 4, 5, and 5 points assigned, respectively. The area under the curve of the scoring system was 67.5% at 1 year and 62.6% at 3 years (Image 2), with similar results in internal validation. The new model demonstrated better predictability than conventional scores (Image 3).

A novel risk stratification model that incorporates clinical and neuroimaging parameters showed improved predictability for secondary prevention in AF patients compared to conventional scoring systems.
  • Kim, Do Yeon  ( Seoul National Univ. Bundang Hosp. , Gyeonggio-do , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Yum, Kyu Sun  ( Chungbuk National University , Cheongju , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Shin, Dong Ick  ( Chungbuk National University , Cheongju , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Kim, Dae Hyun  ( Dong-A university , Busan , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Cha, Jae-kwan  ( Dong-A university , Busan , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Kim, Dong-eog  ( Dongguk University Hospital , Ilsan , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Park, Jong-moo  ( Uijeongbu Eulji University Hospital , Uijeongbu , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Kang, Kyusik  ( Nowon Eulji University Hospital , Seoul , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Kim, Jae  ( EULJI UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL , Daejeon-si , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Lee, Soo Joo  ( EULJI UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL , Daejeon-si , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Lee, Minwoo  ( Hallym University Sacred Heart Hosp , Anyang , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Han, Seokgil  ( Seoul National Univ. Bundang Hosp. , Gyeonggio-do , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Oh, Mi-sun  ( Hallym University Sacred Heart Hosp , Anyang , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Yu, Kyung-ho  ( Hallym University Sacred Heart Hosp , Anyang , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Lee, Byung-chul  ( Hallym University Sacred Heart Hosp , Anyang , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Park, Hong-kyun  ( Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital , Goyang , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Cho, Yong-jin  ( Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital , Goyang , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Hong, Keun-sik  ( Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital , Goyang , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Kang, Chul-hoo  ( JEJU NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL , Jeju , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Kim, Joonggoo  ( JEJU NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL , Jeju , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Choi, Jay Chol  ( JEJU NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL , Jeju , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Park, Hyungjong  ( KEIMYUNG UNIV DONGSAN HOSPITAL , Daegu , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Guk, Hyung Seok  ( Seoul National Univ. Bundang Hosp. , Gyeonggio-do , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Hong, Jeong-ho  ( KEIMYUNG UNIV DONGSAN HOSPITAL , Daegu , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Sohn, Sung-il  ( KEIMYUNG UNIV DONGSAN HOSPITAL , Daegu , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Park, Tai  ( Seoul Medical Center , Seoul , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Lee, Jeongyoon  ( Soonchunhyang University Hospital Seoul , Seoul , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Lee, Kyungbok  ( Soonchunhyang University Hospital Seoul , Seoul , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Kim, Wook-joo  ( Ulsan University Hosptial , Ulsan , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Kwon, Jee-hyun  ( Ulsan University Hosptial , Ulsan , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Kwon, Doo Hyuk  ( Yeungnam University Hospital , Daegu , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Lee, Jun  ( Yeungnam University Hospital , Daegu , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Ryu, Wi-sun  ( JLK Inc. , Seoul , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Jeong, Han-gil  ( Seoul National Univ. Bundang Hosp. , Gyeonggio-do , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Lee, Juneyoung  ( Department of Biostatistics , SEOUL , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Bae, Hee-joon  ( Seoul National Univ. Bundang Hosp. , Gyeonggio-do , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Lee, Keon-joo  ( Korea University Guro Hospital , Seoul , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Kim, Beom Joon  ( Seoul National Univ. Bundang Hosp. , Gyeonggio-do , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Han, Moon-ku  ( Seoul National Univ. Bundang Hosp. , Gyeonggio-do , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Choi, Kangho  ( CHONNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY , Gwangju , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Kim, Joon-tae  ( CHONNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY , Gwangju , Korea (the Republic of) )
  • Author Disclosures:
    Do Yeon Kim: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Kyu Sun Yum: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Dong Ick Shin: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Dae Hyun Kim: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Jae-kwan Cha: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Dong-Eog Kim: No Answer | Jong-moo Park: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Kyusik Kang: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Jae Kim: No Answer | Soo Joo Lee: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Minwoo Lee: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Seokgil Han: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Mi-Sun Oh: No Answer | Kyung-Ho Yu: No Answer | Byung-Chul Lee: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Hong-Kyun Park: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Yong-jin Cho: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Keun-Sik Hong: No Answer | Chul-Hoo Kang: No Answer | Joonggoo Kim: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Jay Chol Choi: No Answer | Hyungjong Park: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Hyung Seok Guk: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Jeong-Ho Hong: No Answer | Sung-il Sohn: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Tai Park: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | JEONGYOON LEE: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Kyungbok Lee: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Wook-joo Kim: No Answer | Jee-hyun Kwon: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Doo Hyuk Kwon: No Answer | Jun Lee: No Answer | Wi-sun Ryu: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Employee:JLK Inc.:Active (exists now) | Han-gil Jeong: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | JUNEYOUNG LEE: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Hee-Joon Bae: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):GNT Pharma:Active (exists now) ; Individual Stocks/Stock Options:JLK:Active (exists now) ; Independent Contractor:Bayer:Active (exists now) ; Speaker:Daiichi Sankyo:Past (completed) ; Speaker:JW Pharmaceutical:Past (completed) ; Speaker:SK chemicals:Past (completed) ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):Bayer Korea:Active (exists now) ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):BMS Korea:Active (exists now) ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):Takeda Pharmaceuticals Korea Co.., Ltd:Active (exists now) ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):Otsuka Korea:Active (exists now) ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):Dong-A ST:Active (exists now) ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):SAMJIN Pharm:Active (exists now) ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):Bayer:Active (exists now) | Keon-Joo Lee: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Beom Joon Kim: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Moon-Ku Han: No Answer | Kangho Choi: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Joon-Tae Kim: No Answer
Meeting Info:
Session Info:

Risk Factors and Prevention Posters I

Wednesday, 02/05/2025 , 07:00PM - 07:30PM

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