Final ID: WP239
Alam Mustafa
Aneurysm neck width reduces flow diversion in new generation stent placed at high curvature ICA segmentChien Aichi, Szeder Viktor, Boyle Noel, Colby Geoffrey, Duckwiler Gary
Ezzeldin Mohamad, Lim Jaims, Dolia Jaydevsinh, Nascimento Pedro, Haussen Diogo, Grossberg Jonathan, Pabaney Aqueel, Jumaa Mouhammad, Alhajala Hisham, Siddiqui Adnan, Soliman Youssef, Hukamdad Mishaal, Ezzeldin Rime, Tatapudi Suhas, Bushnaq Saif, Hassaballa Hatem, Zwein Mohammad, Jaikumar Vinay
Technical considerations - Aspiration only vs stent triever - Cyclic vs static aspiration - Use of Balloon guideNguyen Thanh, Psychogios Marios
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