
American Heart Association


Final ID: P-178

Sex Differences in the Role of the Immune ET-1/ETA Axis in Controlling Blood Pressure during a Hypertension Challenge

Abstract Body: Immune cells like dendritic cells (DCs) and T cells are essential for the development of hypertension. Upregulation of the vasoactive peptide endothelin-1 (ET-1) is key in the progression of hypertension. ET-1 acting via its ETA receptor raises blood pressure and promotes end-organ damage and inflammation. DCs and T cells express ET-1 receptors and respond to changing levels of ET-1. However, it is unknown whether activation of the ET-1/ETA receptor axis on DCs or T cells is critical in driving hypertension, or if a differential activation of this axis in immune cells leads to the sex differences that exist in the pathophysiology of this disease. We hypothesized that activation of the ET-1/ ETA axis on immune cells is crucial in the development of hypertension, with a more prominent role in males than females. Male and female mice lacking ETA receptor on DCs (DC ETA KO) or on T cells (T cell ETA KO) and floxed ETA control mice were given the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor L-NAME (0.5 mg/mL) in drinking water for 3 wks to induce hypertension. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) was measured 3 times/wk via tail cuff plethysmography. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was evaluated at baseline and after L-NAME treatment via the transcutaneous FITC-sinistrin clearance method. Absence of ETA receptor on DCs resulted in a ~10 mmHg decrease in SBP at baseline in both sexes, and this difference increased throughout the protocol in males (Floxed ETA vs. DC ETA KO: L-NAME: 150.8±6.7 vs. 130.8±2.6 mmHg, n=4/group, p=0.002), but not in females (137.4±5.7 vs. 137.2±2.4 mmHg, n=3/group). Lack of the ETA receptor on T cells led to a similar decrease of ~10 mmHg in SBP at baseline. However, the difference in SBP widened when males were challenged with L-NAME (Floxed ETA vs. T cell ETA KO: 135.2±2.0 vs. 118.0±4.1, n=11/group, p=0.003), whereas the group difference in SBP disappeared in females (131.5±4.0 vs. 132.4±4.7, n=8-9/group). Following L-NAME, GFR trended to decline in control male mice, while it increased in T cell ETA KO males. Our data suggest that activation of ETA receptors on DCs and T cells modulates SBP in response to a hypertensive insult in males, but not in females. Additionally, absence of ET-1/ ETA axis activation on T cells suggests improved renal function during hypertension. Our results suggest that the use of ETA antagonism in the clinic may be more protective during hypertension in males than females.
  • Brooks, Abigail  ( University of Alabama at Birmingham , Birmingham , Alabama , United States )
  • Biswal, Sara  ( University of Alabama at Birmingham , Birmingham , Alabama , United States )
  • De Miguel, Carmen  ( University of Alabama at Birmingham , Birmingham , Alabama , United States )
  • Author Disclosures:
    Abigail Brooks: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Sara Biswal: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Carmen De Miguel: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships
Meeting Info:
Session Info:

Poster Session 1: TAC Competition and Reception

Thursday, 09/05/2024 , 05:30PM - 07:00PM

TAC Poster Session Competition

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