
American Heart Association


Final ID: MP68

Mosaic Chromosomal Alterations, Frailty and Cardiovascular Disease Mortality: A Population-based Cohort Study Among Chinese Adults

Abstract Body: Background
Mosaic chromosomal alterations (mCAs), representing a group of large-scale structural alterations detected in a fraction of peripheral leukocytes, serve as an indicator of genomic aging. We aim to investigate the association between expanded mCAs (cell fraction ≥10%) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality, and examine whether combining mCAs with frailty index (FI), an indicator of phenotipic aging, contribute to the prediction of CVD mortality.
A total of 100,297 genotyped participants aged 30-79 years from China Kadoorie Biobank were included, whose baseline information were collected from 2004-2008 and followed till Dec 31, 2023. MoChA pipeline was used to detect expanded mCAs events, including mCAs on autosomes, and the loss of X and Y chromosomes. FI was calculated using a previously validated equation using 28 health-related variables, which categorized participants into three groups: robust (FI≤0.1), prefrail (0.1Results
After a median follow-up of 17.2 years (IQR: 15.7-18.2), 13,655 deaths from CVD diseases were recorded. Expanded mCAs were associated with an increased risk of CVD mortality independent of FI (hazard ratio [HR] and 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.24 [1.13, 1.36]), including deaths from ischaemic heart diseases (IHD, 1.24 [1.08, 1.42]), from strokes (1.20 [1.03, 1.39]) and from pulmonary heart diseases (PHD, 2.20 [1.03, 4.68]). Compared with robust participants without expanded mCAs, frail participants with expanded mCAs had around three-times increased risks of CVD mortality (2.98 [2.17, 4.07]), deaths from IHD (3.18 [2.03, 4.96]), and death from strokes (2.79 [1.64, 4.74]), and had sixteen-times increased risks of PHD mortality (16.51 [3.63, 75.01]).
Combining expanded mCAs, a novel pre-symptomatic marker, with frailty index might increase the prediction of death from multiple CVD diseases.
  • Song, Mingyu  ( Peking university , Beijing, China , China )
  • Chen, Yiping  ( Nuffield Dept of Population Health , Oxford , United Kingdom )
  • Du, Huaidong  ( Nuffield Dept of Population Health , Oxford , United Kingdom )
  • Yang, Xiaoming  ( Nuffield Dept of Population Health , Oxford , United Kingdom )
  • Chen, Junshi  ( China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment , Beijing , China )
  • Chen, Zhengming  ( Nuffield Dept of Population Health , Oxford , United Kingdom )
  • Genovese, Giulio  ( Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard , Cambridge , Massachusetts , United States )
  • Terao, Chikashi  ( RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences , Kanagawa , Japan )
  • Li, Liming  ( Peking University , Beijing , China )
  • Sun, Dianjianyi  ( Peking University , Beijing , China )
  • Zhao, Yuxuan  ( Peking university , Beijing, China , China )
  • Han, Yuting  ( Peking University , Beijing , China )
  • Lv, Jun  ( Peking university , Beijing, China , China )
  • Yu, Canqing  ( Peking University , Beijing , China )
  • Pei, Pei  ( Peking University Center for Public Health and Epidemic Preparedness & Response , Beijing , China )
  • Yang, Ling  ( Nuffield Dept of Population Health , Oxford , United Kingdom )
  • Millwood, Iona  ( Nuffield Dept of Population Health , Oxford , United Kingdom )
  • Walters, Robin  ( Nuffield Dept of Population Health , Oxford , United Kingdom )
  • Author Disclosures:
    Mingyu Song: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Yiping Chen: No Answer | Huaidong Du: No Answer | Xiaoming Yang: No Answer | Junshi Chen: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Zhengming Chen: No Answer | Giulio Genovese: No Answer | Chikashi Terao: No Answer | Liming Li: No Answer | Dianjianyi Sun: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Yuxuan Zhao: No Answer | Yuting Han: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Jun Lv: No Answer | Canqing YU: No Answer | pei pei: No Answer | Ling Yang: No Answer | Iona Millwood: No Answer | Robin Walters: No Answer
Meeting Info:
Session Info:

MP12. Aging and Brain Health

Saturday, 03/08/2025 , 05:00PM - 07:00PM

Moderated Poster Session

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