
American Heart Association


Final ID: Or103

Troponin I Serine 150 Phosphorylation as a Novel Cardiac Inotrope Without Detrimental Effects

Abstract Body: Heart failure with systolic dysfunction is characterized by insufficient contractility. Standards of care for heart failure treat symptoms, however there are currently no approved therapies to increase contractility to directly improve the ability of the heart to pump blood. Previously tested positive inotropes increased heart function through mechanisms that increased intracellular calcium. Unfortunately, these early inotropes were associated with detrimental effects and worsened outcomes and therefore are not approved for long-term use. There remains a need for an alternative mechanism to increase contractility without increasing intracellular calcium. We previously demonstrated that phosphorylation of the inhibitory subunit of the troponin complex, troponin I (TnI) at serine residue 150 (S150) increases force development in ex vivo muscle by increasing calcium sensitivity. Increasing the sensitivity of the myofilament to calcium is an alternative mechanism to increase contractility without increasing intracellular calcium. We therefore hypothesize that increasing TnI-S150 phosphorylation in vivo would improve systolic function without harmful effects. To determine the effects of TnI-S150 phosphorylation in vivo, we generated a phosphorylation-mimetic mouse with TnI-S150 mutated to aspartic acid (TnI-pS150). Structural and functional measurements derived from echocardiography and hemodynamics demonstrate that TnI-pS150 mice have increased cardiac systolic function and contractility in vivo. We confirm that the mechanism for increasing in vivo function is through increased myofilament calcium sensitivity. Detrimental effects commonly observed with the use of inotropes (e.g. hypertrophy, hypertension, severe diastolic dysfunction, increased arrythmia susceptibility, increased mortality) were not observed in TnI-pS150 mice. Additionally, we did not observe any adverse long-term detrimental effects on cardiac structure and function in aged TnI-pS150 mice. These results support the phosphorylation of TnI-S150 as a novel signaling mechanism to increase systolic function without detrimental effects and is therefore a novel target for systolic heart failure therapies.
  • Salyer, Lorien  ( The Ohio State University , Columbus , Ohio , United States )
  • Sturgill, Sarah  ( The Ohio State University , Columbus , Ohio , United States )
  • Zanella, Helena  ( The Ohio State University , Columbus , Ohio , United States )
  • Brundage, Elizabeth  ( The Ohio State University , Columbus , Ohio , United States )
  • Lane, Cemantha  ( The Ohio State University , Columbus , Ohio , United States )
  • Hund, Thomas  ( The Ohio State University , Columbus , Ohio , United States )
  • Ziolo, Mark  ( The Ohio State University , Columbus , Ohio , United States )
  • Biesiadecki, Brandon  ( The Ohio State University , Columbus , Ohio , United States )
  • Author Disclosures:
    Thomas Hund: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Mark Ziolo: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Brandon Biesiadecki: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Other (please indicate in the box next to the company name):LIfeSciences:Active (exists now) | Lorien Salyer: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Sarah Sturgill: No Answer | Helena Zanella: No Answer | Elizabeth Brundage: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Cemantha Lane: No Answer
Meeting Info:

Basic Cardiovascular Sciences


Chicago, Illinois

Session Info:

Early Career Pre-Conference Session 1: Next Best Thing

Monday, 07/22/2024 , 09:15AM - 10:15AM

Early Career Session

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