Final ID: MDP1142
Sunday, 11/17/2024 , 09:30AM - 10:45AM
Moderated Digital Poster Session
Nakashima Ryosuke, Shinohara Keisuke, Ikeda Shota, Matsumoto Sho, Yoshida Daisuke, Ono Yoshiyasu, Nakashima Hiroka, Miyamoto Ryohei, Abe Kohtaro
Impairment of Vascular Endothelial Function by Inhalation of Smoke or Aerosol from Tobacco and Marijuana Products is Dependent on Vagus Nerve Input from the AirwayWang Xiaoyin, Cheung Christian, Goyal Natasha, Punnati Chaitanya, Abdelaal Shadi, Derakhshandeh Ronak, Springer Matthew
Suvada Kara, Jain Vardhmaan, Razavi Alexander, Shah Amit, Vaccarino Viola, Elon Lisa, She Hua, Krafty Robert, Lobelo Felipe, Osei Jeffery, Gold Matthew, Yadalam Adithya
Blunted Hemodynamic Reactivity to Acute Mental Stress in the Lab is Associated with Autonomic Inflexibility at HomeShah Amit, Desai Shivang, Gold Matthew, Jain Vardhmaan, Yadalam Adithya, Razavi Alexander, Wiltshire Charis, Raggi Paolo, Pearce Brad, Quyyumi Arshed, Sameni Reza, She Hua, Bremner J Douglas, Clifford Gari, Vaccarino Viola, Elon Lisa, Roberts Tatum, Stefanos Lewam, Haddad George, Osei Jeffery, Suvada Kara, Okoh Alexis