Final ID: Su2018
Pediatric Cardiology Potpourri Posters 1
Sunday, 11/17/2024 , 11:30AM - 12:30PM
Abstract Poster Session
Shaukat Muhammad Talha, Rehman Wania, Mohsin Aleenah, Rehman Aqeeb Ur, Rahman Saad Ur, Qureshi Muhammad Ahmad, Mohsin Ali
Heart failure is time-dependent and associated with heart transplant,Ivey Lindsey, Raskind-hood Cheryl, Haffner Alexandra, Guo Yuting, Sarker Abeed, Rodriguez Fred, Book Wendy
Manlhiot Cedric, Raghuveer Geetha, Harris Kevin, Norozi Kambiz, Giglia Therese, Lang Sean, Mawad Wadi, Mccrindle Brian, Dionne Audrey, Portman Michael, Dahdah Nagib, Carr Michael, Khare Manaswitha, Harahsheh Ashraf, Tierney Seda, Khoury Michael
Loss to Follow-Up Among Adults with Congenital Heart Defects: A Report from Congenital Heart Disease Project to Understand Lifelong Survivor Experience (CHD PULSE)Dailey Schwartz Andrew, Kochilas Lazaros, Oster Matthew, Shi Caroline, Aldoss Osamah, Fundora Michael, Gaitonde Mansi, Hiremath Gurumurthy, John Anitha, Mchugh Kimberly, Raghuveer Geetha