
American Heart Association


Final ID: Su2018

Systemic Arterial Aneurysms in Kawasaki Disease: An Important Evidence Gap

Abstract Body (Do not enter title and authors here): Introduction: Non-coronary artery systemic arterial aneurysms (SAA) are a rare and under-reported sequelae of Kawasaki disease (KD), for which data and guidance are limited.
Methods: A survey was sent to members of the International KD Registry (IKDR) regarding their experiences and practices with SAA in KD patients. For comparison, a systematic review was conducted following PRISMA methodology; after evaluation, a total of 21 studies with 75 patients total were included. Results were compared qualitatively.
Results: Surveys were completed by 48 (56%) of 86 IKDR investigators; 35 (73%) respondents had >10 years of experience caring for KD patients. Experience with SAA was limited, with 33% not having cared for a patient with SAA. Reported screening practices included 81% screening only patients with coronary artery (CA) involvement, 8% reporting screening all patients with KD, and with 11% using other criteria. The degree of CA involvement influenced screening, with 56% screening only those with giant CA aneurysms, 20% also small/medium aneurysms, 6% included dilation and 18% not using any specific CA criteria. Additional factors reported included multiple or rapidly expanding CA aneurysms, clinical features such as prolonged/persistent fever, progressing/persistent elevation of inflammatory markers, and resistance to standard treatment. These screening practices were somewhat concordant with the characteristics of patients with SAA reported in the literature (FIGURE). Initial preferred assessment method was CT angiography for 48%, ultrasound 28% and MRI for 24% of respondents. In contrast, SAA reported in the review were most commonly assessed with conventional coronary artery angiography. From the review, SAA were associated with a high rate of regression (62-93%). Longer-term complications reported included SAA thrombosis, calcification, stenosis, occlusion and collateral formation. Clinical and management factors associated with SAA outcomes were not defined.
Conclusion: While the development of SAA is a known but rare complication of acute KD, there remains a gap in evidence as to which patients are at risk, best practices for screening and management, and outcomes. Protocol driven cohort studies are needed.
  • Orr, William  ( Washington University , St. Louis , Missouri , United States )
  • Prasad, Deepa  ( Banner Children's at Desert Medical Center , Mesa , Arizona , United States )
  • Lee, Simon  ( Lurie Children's Hospital , Chicago , Illinois , United States )
  • Elias, Matthew  ( Children's Hospital of Philadelphia , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , United States )
  • Harris, Tyler  ( UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh , Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania , United States )
  • Caro, Ana  ( Hospital Universitario Doce de Octubre , Madrid , Spain )
  • Norozi, Kambiz  ( Western University , London , Ontario , Canada )
  • Mauriello, Daniel  ( Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital (JHACH) , St. Petersburg , Florida , United States )
  • Mchugh, Kimberly  ( MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLIN , Charleston , South Carolina , United States )
  • Lang, Sean  ( Cincinnati Children's Hospital , Cincinnati , Ohio , United States )
  • Manlhiot, Cedric  ( THE HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREN , Toronto , Ontario , Canada )
  • Raghuveer, Geetha  ( CHILDRENS MERCY HOSPITAL , Kansas City , Missouri , United States )
  • Mccrindle, Brian  ( The Hospital for Sick Children , Toronto , Ontario , Canada )
  • Portman, Michael  ( Seattle Childrens , Seattle , Washington , United States )
  • Dionne, Audrey  ( Boston Childrens Hospital , Boston , Massachusetts , United States )
  • Fabi, Marianna  ( SANTORSOLA MALPIGHI HOSPITAL , Bologna , Italy )
  • Misra, Nilanjana  ( Cohen Children's Medical Center, NY , New Hyde Park , New York , United States )
  • Sundaram, Balasubramanian  ( Kanchi Kamakoti Childs Trust Hospital , Chennai , India )
  • El Ganzoury, Mona  ( Ain Shams University , Cairo , Egypt )
  • Tierney, Seda  ( STANFORD UNIVERSIY , Palo Alto , California , United States )
  • Author Disclosures:
    William Orr: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Deepa Prasad: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Simon Lee: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Matthew Elias: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Tyler Harris: No Answer | Ana Caro: No Answer | Kambiz Norozi: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Daniel Mauriello: No Answer | Kimberly McHugh: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Sean Lang: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Cedric Manlhiot: No Answer | Geetha Raghuveer: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Brian McCrindle: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Consultant:Amryt Pharma:Active (exists now) ; Consultant:Ultragenyx:Active (exists now) ; Consultant:Esperion:Active (exists now) ; Consultant:Chiesi:Active (exists now) | Michael Portman: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Audrey Dionne: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):Boston Scientific:Active (exists now) ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):Pfizer:Active (exists now) | Marianna Fabi: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Nilanjana Misra: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Balasubramanian Sundaram: No Answer | Mona El Ganzoury: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Seda Tierney: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships
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Scientific Sessions 2024


Chicago, Illinois

Session Info:

Pediatric Cardiology Potpourri Posters 1

Sunday, 11/17/2024 , 11:30AM - 12:30PM

Abstract Poster Session

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