
American Heart Association


Final ID: Mo3150

Insights for Direct-to-Patient Clinical Trial Recruitment Strategies From the Heartline Study

Abstract Body (Do not enter title and authors here): Background: Decentralized clinical trials using direct-to-participant recruitment can potentially engage large, representative participant pools.
Research Question: Can a decentralized clinical trial use a multichannel approach to recruit patients >65 years old across the United States?
Goals/Aims: To share insights on multichannel strategies for participant recruitment in the decentralized, app-based Heartline study.
Methods: Heartline is a randomized trial testing the impact of a mobile app-based heart health program with the electrocardiogram (ECG) and Irregular Rhythm Notification (IRN) features on Apple Watch for early diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes of atrial fibrillation. Eligible participants were US adults aged ≥65 years with an iPhone and Medicare coverage. Multiple pathways for broad outreach were explored, including digital (eg, email, social media) and traditional channels (eg, direct mail, community outreach). Recruitment efforts were assessed and refined to reach a large eligible population.
Results: A multichannel approach led to ~300,000 Heartline study app installations. In total, 34,244 participants completed enrollment (Feb 2020-Dec 2022), of whom 28,155 completed baseline demographic assessments. Participants were widely distributed geographically, with notable representation of outlying and rural areas (Figure 1). Women accounted for 54% of the participants. Overall, most participants were White (93.0%), with Asian, Black, and Hispanic participants representing 2.8%, 2.7%, and 2.5%, respectively.
Conclusion: The Heartline study demonstrated the ability to recruit large numbers of participants aged ≥65 years using a direct-to-participant approach. Broad outreach strategies ensured gender and geographic diversity, enrolling a higher percentage of women than typical cardiology trials, and participation from rural areas. However, underrepresentation across racial/ethnic groups persisted and strategies to increase enrollment are needed. For similar trials, a strategic multichannel approach, with strong data and analytics capabilities may be beneficial to effectively target and enroll eligible participants.
  • Hills, Mellanie  ( StopAfib.org, American Foundation for Women's Health , Decatur , Texas , United States )
  • Steinhubl, Steve  ( Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, Purdue University , West Lafayette , Indiana , United States )
  • Wessler, Jeff  ( Heartbeat Health , New York , New York , United States )
  • Goldberg, Nieca  ( Department of Medicine, NYU Grossman School of Medicine , New York , New York , United States )
  • Asthana, Anisha  ( Janssen Research & Development, LLC, a Johnson & Johnson company , Raritan , New Jersey , United States )
  • Shute, Kate  ( Janssen Research & Development, LLC, a Johnson & Johnson company , Raritan , New Jersey , United States )
  • Applebaum, Jill  ( Janssen Research & Development, LLC, a Johnson & Johnson company , Raritan , New Jersey , United States )
  • Doran, Kathleen  ( Janssen Research & Development, LLC, a Johnson & Johnson company , Raritan , New Jersey , United States )
  • Nikolovski, Janeta  ( Janssen Research & Development, LLC, a Johnson & Johnson company , Raritan , New Jersey , United States )
  • Kaul, Simrati  ( Janssen Scientific Affairs, LLC, a Johnson & Johnson company , Titusville , New Jersey , United States )
  • Wentworth, Dereck  ( Janssen Scientific Affairs, LLC, a Johnson & Johnson company , Titusville , New Jersey , United States )
  • Korjian, Serge  ( Baim Institute for Clinical Research , Boston , Massachusetts , United States )
  • Damaraju, Cv  ( Janssen Scientific Affairs, LLC, a Johnson & Johnson company , Titusville , New Jersey , United States )
  • Defalco, Frank  ( Janssen Research & Development, LLC, a Johnson & Johnson company , Raritan , New Jersey , United States )
  • Tavakoli, Cammie  ( Apple Inc. , Cupertino , California , United States )
  • Patel, Mithun  ( Apple Inc. , Cupertino , California , United States )
  • Curtis, Anne  ( Department of Medicine, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo , Buffalo , New York , United States )
  • Spertus, John  ( University of Missouri–Kansas City’s Healthcare Institute for Innovations in Quality and Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute , Kansas City , Missouri , United States )
  • Gibson, Charles  ( Baim Institute for Clinical Research , Boston , Massachusetts , United States )
  • Chi, Gerald  ( Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School , Boston , Massachusetts , United States )
  • Natale, Andrea  ( Texas Cardiac Arrhythmia Institute, St. David’s Medical Center , Austin , Texas , United States )
  • Saxon, Leslie  ( Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Keck School of Medicine , Los Angeles , California , United States )
  • Ferdinand, Keith  ( John W. Deming Department of Medicine, Tulane University School of Medicine , New Orleans , Louisiana , United States )
  • Kwaku, Kevin  ( Department of Medicine, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth , Hanover , New Hampshire , United States )
  • Brancato, Scott  ( Providence Heart Institute , Portland , Oregon , United States )
  • Baca-motes, Katie  ( Scripps Research Translation Institute , La Jolla , California , United States )
  • Author Disclosures:
    Mellanie Hills: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Employee:StopAfib.org/American Foundation for Women's Health:Active (exists now) ; Employee:True Hills, Inc.:Active (exists now) | Steve Steinhubl: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Advisor:Prolaio:Past (completed) ; Advisor:Echo Health:Active (exists now) ; Consultant:Janssen:Active (exists now) | Jeff Wessler: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Nieca Goldberg: No Answer | Anisha Asthana: No Answer | Kate Shute: No Answer | Jill Applebaum: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Kathleen Doran: No Answer | Janeta Nikolovski: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Simrati Kaul: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Employee:Johnson and Johnson:Active (exists now) | Dereck Wentworth: No Answer | Serge Korjian: No Answer | CV Damaraju: No Answer | Frank DeFalco: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Employee:Johnson and Johnson:Active (exists now) | Cammie Tavakoli: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Employee:Apple Inc.:Active (exists now) | Mithun Patel: No Answer | Anne Curtis: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Consultant:Medtronic:Active (exists now) ; Consultant:Eagle Pharmaceuticals:Past (completed) ; Consultant:Milestone Pharmaceuticals:Past (completed) ; Consultant:Janssen Pharmaceuticals:Active (exists now) ; Speaker:Abbott:Active (exists now) ; Consultant:Abbott:Active (exists now) ; Speaker:Medtronic:Active (exists now) | John Spertus: No Answer | Charles Gibson: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Royalties/Patent Beneficiary:UpToDate in Cardiovascular Medicine:Active (exists now) ; Employee:Baim Institute for Clinical Research:Active (exists now) ; Individual Stocks/Stock Options:Absolutys, Bridge Access Solutions (Co-Founder), HeartBeam, Dyad Medical, nference, Egnite, Pramana, Flow Therapy:Active (exists now) ; Researcher:Amgen, Johnson & Johnson Corporation, CSL Behring, SCAD Alliance, and Janssen Pharmaceuticals.:Active (exists now) ; Consultant:Amgen, Intellia Therapeutics, Angel/Avertix Medical, Anthos Therapeutics, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, AstraZenca, Johnson & Johnson Corporation, Bayer Corporation, Lumanity, MashUp MD, Bioclinica, MD Magazine, Boehringer Ingelheim, Merck, Boston Clinical Research Institute, MjHealth, Boston Scientific, NovoNordisk, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Cardenal Therapeutics, Pfizer, Cardiovascular Research Foundation, PhaseBio, CeleCor Therapeutics, Revance Therapeutics, CSL Behring, Samsung, Duke Clinical Research Institute, SCAI, Esperion, SFJ, Lexicon, EXCITE International (Received $0), Faraday Pharmaceuticals, Somahlution/Marizyme, Fortress Biotech, Gilead Sciences, Inc., Vectura, HeartFlow, Web MD, Inari, and Woman As One.:Active (exists now) | Gerald Chi: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Researcher:CSL Behring:Active (exists now) ; Researcher:Bayer:Active (exists now) ; Researcher:Janssen Research:Active (exists now) | Andrea Natale: No Answer | Leslie Saxon: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Consultant:J&J:Active (exists now) ; Consultant:Abbott:Active (exists now) | Keith Ferdinand: No Answer | Kevin Kwaku: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Royalties/Patent Beneficiary:UpToDate:Active (exists now) ; Executive Role:Association of Black Cardiologists:Active (exists now) ; Employee:Dartmouth Health:Active (exists now) ; Consultant:Anthos Therapeutics:Past (completed) ; Consultant:AltaThera Pharmaceuticals:Past (completed) ; Consultant:Biosense Webster:Active (exists now) ; Consultant:Janssen Scientific Affairs:Active (exists now) ; Research Funding (PI or named investigator):Boston Scientific:Past (completed) | Scott Brancato: No Answer | Katie Baca-Motes: No Answer
Meeting Info:

Scientific Sessions 2024


Chicago, Illinois

Session Info:

Data to Discovery: Novel Methods in Cardiovascular Outcomes Research

Monday, 11/18/2024 , 10:30AM - 11:30AM

Abstract Poster Session

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