
American Heart Association


Final ID: MDP1108

Exercise right heart catheterization combined with echocardiography in evaluation of subclinical pulmonary hypertension and heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction

Abstract Body (Do not enter title and authors here): Introduction
Diagnosis of exercise-induced pulmonary hypertension (EIPH) or exercise-induced heart failure with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction (E-HFpEF) is challenging due to a lack of consensus. The 2022 ESC/ERS guidelines define EIPH as mean (m) PAP/CO > 3 mmHg/L/min, and E-HFpEF as PCWP/CO > 2 mmHg/L/min, a revision of the previous criteria of mPAP ≥ 30 mmHg and PCWP ≥ 25 mmHg.
We investigated the role of exercise RHC in identifying EIPH and E-HFpEF in a group of patients with dyspnea and correlated the rest echo findings with the E-RHC results. We hypothesized that the resting echo parameters can help identify patients with EIPH and E-HFpEF using 2022 ESC/ERS definitions.
A cohort of patients with dyspnea and normal LVEF with E-RHC data from 2016-2019 was included. Patients were categorized into Groups (g) A-E (Fig 1-T1) according to the 2018 WSPH definition of PH. Echo, hemodynamic, and clinical data were collected. The ESC/ERS 2022 guidelines were used to identify EIPH and E-HFpEF. Echo parameters were retrospectively analyzed by logistic regression analysis.
200 patients were included. The mPAP and PCWP, but not PVR, significantly increased post-exercise in all groups. Over 50% of patients in each group had evidence of at least grade I LV diastolic dysfunction on rest Echo (Fig 1). PVs/PVd was significantly lower (0.8±0.3) and E/e’ higher (15±7.9) in g-C (Post-Cap) compared to g-A (No-PH), B (Pre-Cap) and E (undifferentiated). In g-A and g-E, 46.8% and 73% demonstrated EIPH, with 87% and 100% showing a mPAP≥30 mmHg respectively. The prevalence of E-HFpEF in g-A, g-B, and g-E was 45%, 50%, and 63% respectively. Only 34%, 42%, and 56% of subjects in g-A, g-B and g-E demonstrated E-PCWP ≥ 25 mmHg. Echo parameters that predicted E-HFpEF included E and E/e’; E/e’ also predicted EIPH (Fig 1).
In this study, Echo features of advanced LV diastolic dysfunction including decreased PVs/PVd and increased E/e’ were associated with post-capillary PH. Rest E/e’ and E (LV rapid inflow velocity) may predict E-HFpEF. Exercise RHC may have utility in the evaluation of patients with suspected subclinical PH and HFpEF, but larger prospective designs are warranted
  • Chetram, Vishaka  ( Inova Heart and Vascular Institute , Falls Church , Virginia , United States )
  • Khangoora, Vikramjit  ( Inova Advanced Lung Disease and Transplant Program , Falls Church , Virginia , United States )
  • Qian, Xiaoxiao  ( Inova Heart and Vascular Institute , Falls Church , Virginia , United States )
  • Hunter, Brett  ( George Mason University , Fairfax , Virginia , United States )
  • Shlobin, Oksana  ( Inova Advanced Lung Disease and Transplant Program , Falls Church , Virginia , United States )
  • Zhao, Qiong  ( Inova Heart and Vascular Institute , Falls Church , Virginia , United States )
  • Author Disclosures:
    Vishaka Chetram: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Vikramjit Khangoora: No Answer | Xiaoxiao Qian: DO NOT have relevant financial relationships | Brett Hunter: No Answer | Oksana Shlobin: DO have relevant financial relationships ; Consultant:Merck:Active (exists now) ; Consultant:Aerovate:Past (completed) ; Consultant:Aerami:Past (completed) ; Consultant:Enzyvant:Past (completed) ; Consultant:Insmed:Active (exists now) ; Consultant:Gossamer:Active (exists now) ; Speaker:United Therapeutics:Active (exists now) ; Consultant:United Therapeutics:Active (exists now) | Qiong Zhao: No Answer
Meeting Info:

Scientific Sessions 2024


Chicago, Illinois

Session Info:

Multimodality Clinical Evaluation of the Right Heart in Pulmonary Hypertension

Sunday, 11/17/2024 , 09:30AM - 10:55AM

Moderated Digital Poster Session

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