Final ID: Mo4078
Alexandrou Michaella, Alaswad Khaldoon, Basir Mir, Davies Rhian, Jaffer Farouc, Nicholson William, Azzalini Lorenzo, Gorgulu Sevket, Khatri Jaikirshan, Bangalore Sripal, Rangan Bavana, Rempakos Athanasios, Mastrodemos Olga, Burke M Nicholas, Sandoval Yader, Brilakis Emmanouil, Mutlu Deniz, Strepkos Dimitrios, Carvalho Pedro, Al-ogaili Ahmed, Bahbah Ali, Anastasios Milkas, Tsiafoutis Ioannis
Assessing the Efficacy of Preventive Percutaneous Coronary Intervention vs Optimal Medical Therapy for the Treatment of Vulnerable Plaque: A Meta-analysisMootz Nicholas, Rojulpote Chaitanya, Verma Divya, Harjai Kishore, Lin Chien-jung