Final ID: 4136511
Cournand and Comroe Early Career Investigator Award Competition
Saturday, 11/16/2024 , 09:45AM - 10:45AM
Abstract Oral Session
Kimuro Keiji, Yoshida Keimei, Izumi Ryo, Imabayashi Misaki, Masaki Kohei, Hosokawa Kazuya, Abe Kohtaro
A Novel Animal Model for Pulmonary Hypertension: Lung Endothelial Specific Deletion of Egln1 in MiceLiu Bin, Yi Dan, Ramirez Karina, Fallon Michael, Dai Zhiyu
Lemay Sarah-eve, Bourgeois Alice, Romanet Charlotte, Breuils Bonnet Sandra, Montesinos Monica, Lu Min, Chen Huidong, Theberge Charlie, Potus Francois, Savai Pullamsetti Soni, Provencher Steeve, Mougin Manon, Bonnet Sebastien, Boucherat Olivier, Sauvaget Melanie, Reem El-kabbout, Valasarajan Chanil, Yamamoto Keiko, Martineau Sandra, Pelletier Andreanne, Grobs Yann
ACLY Inhibition as a Novel Therapeutic Approach for Vascular Remodeling in Coronary Artery Disease.Grobs Yann, Reem El-kabbout, Potus Francois, Provencher Steeve, Boucherat Olivier, Bonnet Sebastien, Romanet Charlotte, Lemay Sarah-eve, Bourgeois Alice, Voisine Pierre, Theberge Charlie, Sauvaget Melanie, Breuils Bonnet Sandra, Martineau Sandra